Chapter 13: It has begun...

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(Old note) A/N: This is actually part two of the previous chapter, I had to cut it up into two parts since it's incredibly long... And I'm sorry if this chapter sucked... While I wrote this, I was really stressed and didn't have enough sleep... For...reasons... If there's anything you don't understand, please point it out to me, I don't like it when something doesn't make sense... I'm even reviewing this over and over on this chapter, to see if there's anything I can change or fix. But I swear... I'm going to try and make the next chapter better...


It was nighttime and the moon was out, crickets sounded off and made music through the night. The moon's rays kissed the window panes and lit up partially what room the goth slept in. Laying in bed, in the squad four barracks, Kai snored so loud it even woke up a few people and made Captain Unohana rush in, thinking something bad was going on. Once she came in, she and her lieutenant both sighed, after seeing Kai still out cold.

"It was only Koumetsu's... snore. Go back to sleep Isane," the Captain's soft and reassuring whisper convinced Isane to leave. Unohana looked back over at the slumbering punk, who appeared sprawled out and very unladylike... Her blanket was even on the floor! The Captain sighed at the sight whilst closing her eyes. "Honestly... Koumetsu," she paced herself over and pulled the blanket back to cover her, smiling contently as if she was looking at a child. Then, she turned to leave and shut the door on her way out.

She was unaware that someone else hid in the shadows, before Isane and her left. The dark silhouette came into view more and gazed upon the sleeping figure, part of their features exposed by the moonlight and some of their black shihakusho, lightly tanned skin, and that same twisted smile on their lower face. Just a little while longer... Dear sister, you'll be able to come home soon... hmhmhmhm... The dark figure mentally spoke and chuckled to himself. Everyone else can die, for all, I care... As long as I have you in my life, everyone else can just go die in a hole somewhere...~ he sang in his mind before flash stepping out of view.

~~~Next morning~~~

Birds began to chirp with joy, and murmurs were heard from the halls outside of the door, as the sun shone its beams beautifully through the window and hit everything in the room... Except... Kaiorin... She hissed and cursed from the rude awakening by the light. "FUCK!" she jumped after the light hit her eyes, making her fall out of bed and land right on her face, with her lower half barely on the edge of the mattress.

She stood up and looked around, realizing she had a white hospital robe on yet not caring two shits about it either... "WHO THE HELL EVEN PUTS A WINDOW NEAR THE DAMN BED, ANYWAY?!" her furious features changed to that of excitement, the moment she remembered something. "Oh right, I have training today.~" She mentioned the last sentence randomly in a delighted tone, then looked to the side, meeting face to face with a small clock on an end table; which so happened to appear out of nowhere...

Taking a while to process, her eyes widened and realized something VERY important... Outside of her door, showed patients and fourth squad members walking down the halls. A few of them carried papers while the others ran back and forth, carrying medical supplies. "I'M LAAAAAAATE!!" Kaiorin's disembodied tone shocked a few people and made them trip over their own feet, while an innocent fourth member carried a stack of paperwork. The tomboy busted down the door and caused the poor boy to lose his grip.

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