Chapter 39: A bet, in between the lines.

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The goth was laying on her back out cold in the hallway. With am arm outstretched and the other over her stomach, her ponytail curved out above her head. Her lips were parted and those black spots seemed to have faded away. "Sis?~" Very faintly her brother's voice echoed. Soon it showed her sleeping face and the shadowing of Morgus's frame; her eyes squinted slightly at his tone, though didn't even stir once. "Sister," Still nothing... The man was seen towering over her frame and had the most regretful look in his eyes. I didn't want this... I put my own sister at risk, by provoking her to fuse... Just by giving her one of my tormenting smirks, I made her want to use her fusion... It is dangerous to fuse...cause you're not yourself and your personality changes. He mentally spoke, soon having regret and sorrow swirl in his brown gaze. "Please...forgive me..." he mumbled and allowed a shadow to hide his eyes.

Not too long after, Kai's hand reached up slowly into view and let it hover just an inch from his dangling hair. A few seconds passed and her hand suddenly grabbed his locks, pulling him down. "Ah!" he shrieked out and fell on his knees. After closing his eyes from the pain, he opened them and saw a pissed Kai.

"The hell do you mean by, forgive me?!" she yelled strongly and was propped up by her other elbow. Despite her appearing annoyed her slits looked concerned, she let go and made him fall on his butt right next to her.

"Sis...~" he started and rubbed his scalp. "I put you in danger... When I fused, my personality changed and all I wanted to do, was to make you fuse as well; I should not have fused... If I hadn' wouldn't be in this condition. I forgot about the life-risking effects that you gain during one's first fusion attempt..." Sestuen confessed and lowered his head, his hands that rested on the floor tightened into fists and his hair brushed past his face. "I shouldn't have done it... Please...please forgive-" Before he could finish, a pair of knuckles bashed him on top of his head and caused him to topple over slightly. Under all that hair, his brown eyes widened from the impact and small tears threatened to fall.

The punk was now standing, she was leaned over and had both of her hands on her hips. "I'm still alive, aren't I?! I actually appreciate that you chose to fuse, cause you said you didn't want to hold back! You lived up to your word and so did I, though my first fusion attempt was a bit..." she paused and looked off in the corner, up at the ceiling. "Overwhelming..." the goth finished, then shifted her head back to her brother. "You fought me fairly and fended me off when I lost myself, during my fusion! So bro, don't apologize! I put myself in danger, you didn't do a damn thing!" her words made his eyes widen further and those tears that brimmed his eyes, streamed down his cheeks.

He sat there for a minute with hidden thoughts swarming his mind then slowly, he stood to his feet and hugged her tightly. "C'mon bro, stop! Change of subject!" After she demanded that, Morgus let go and backed up smiling slightly.

"Yes...?~" he asked and watched Kai raise a brow. "Where's my great-grampa...?" Hearing her question, he saw her tilt her head and slowly pull a bone shard out of her pants pocket. She stuck it in her mouth, chewed on it, and made it twitch like someone would with a toothpick.

"I woke up not too long ago and I was in the infirmary, so I went to search for you outside... I only found Daomig'rah laying on his side, he was in his true form.~ Lord Aizen and Szayelaporro were there as well. Apparently, your great-granddaddy got angry at lord Aizen and went out for his blood. He took down the remaining Espadas while the rest of them were taken to the infirmary," he simply explained. Kai's eyes widened at his words and her slits grew thinner, she wasn't expecting the elder to go into an outrage like that.

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