Chapter 50: The last present

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Last night, she was in a daze... Her face was red and she'd stare at the space before her, on her way home. Her great-granddaddy had come looking for her during that night, due to being out late and found her pacing down a path with a dazed look. He questioned her mental stability but he got no answer, so he just picked her up and carried her home. Now, there the goth was, snoring up a storm in her bed and Dao watching her. It was morning, birds chirped and the very dragon himself was leaned up against the wall nearby. His arms folded and his slits were pinned on his sleeping descendant, he wanted to know what happened...he wasn't very happy. Something happened to her... I must find out who the culprit was... When she wakes up, I demand answers. he mentally noted, soon making his eyes close and allowed a grumble to escape his shut mouth.

Kai was sprawled out on her bed, her presents laid next to her on the floor and she was snuggling the stuffed dog...? Her makeup was off and her hair was down, Dao must have removed them when he put her to bed; such a caring parent.~ At hearing a knock on her door, the old man walked over and opened it. The very same maroon-haired girl from before, stood in the doorway carrying a tray of covered-up food and seemed rather excited to be there; a big grin with a faint flush on her cheeks was evident.

Dao just rose a brow and mentally questioned why she was there. He just stared at her, waiting until she said something. Finally, with Maiya giggling, the silence broke and she spoke up. "Hi, I am Maiya Donieri and I wanted to know if Koumetsu was up!" she asked happily only to have the door close in her face.

She blinked in wonder, confused as to why that man would do that. Time went by and she was still standing there...waiting, wanting to give her idol some of her home-cooked food. Suddenly, the door before her flew open, and there stood the six-foot goth with a not so pleased frown.

"The hell, do you want...?" Kai asked with her slits viewing the short girl and one hand holding the door open. Maiya just gawked at her features, her mouth hung open slightly and she couldn't break her mauve eyes from her. Her features without her makeup and her hair down, made the short girl think she was some gothic model!

Once recognition hit her, those words repeated in her head and she got angry. "So rude...~ And here I was, delivering food to you out of generosity!" she huffed and puffed out her cheeks, looking rather pissed from the rude greeting.

"Tch-...fiiiine... Come on in..." the punk offered and walked off, back into her home. She left the door open letting Donieri step right in and she did exactly that, but once she was in...she saw that same man from before and took a better look at him.

While I'm here, I might as well get some information on them... she spoke in her mind, before setting the food on a table nearby. Looking over at the goth, she watched her go to her room and soon come out of it with her gothic features back on. The goth sat down at the table and stared at the tray, slowly, she unsealed the cover and gawked at the amazing food that littered the plate. It looked so professional as if she was a five-star chef at a fancy restaurant! Sparkles twinkled around the food and her slits wavered in awe. Soon, she began digging in like her life depended on it, clearly not showing any table manners...

Maiya was viewing the woman, she was eating like a barbarian... Food flew everywhere and a bone went past her head only to have the goth's arm stretch out to snatch it back. The short girl looked around, noticing Dao was napping on Kai's bed, and paid no mind to the two. She gulped, looked back over at her idol, and knew what she had to do. "I can make more food for you if you want! I can use my zanpakuto to chop up some lettuce if you have any!~ Or maybe one of your favorite meats, I can slice it up!" happily exclaimed the elven-eyed girl with a hint of nervousness. She didn't want to hurt her, unfortunately, she must in order to get what she was looking for...

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