Chapter 1: A Blazing Introduction

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A/N: Contains violence, gore, swearing, certain themes such as kissing, later in the future. Warning! For your innocent minds, beware that the later chapters such as the parts in Hueco Mundo and higher will contain more sexual advances such as getting pinned! More personal contact will be included after the Hueco Mundo scenes have ended, so be aware.~

Disclaimer: I do not own bleach or any of its characters, all rights go to the original makers. I do, however, own all made-up characters.

(This story is fully transferred! :D)


A woman sat outside under a cliff, wearing an open black haori with dark red bandage wrappings around her torso that hooked up around her neck. She had a large flaming tattoo that covered her entire backside and went up over her shoulder blades, stretching out over her shoulders a bit.

The haori's sleeves were cut off and she had a pair of male's black pants on. Wearing the same colored bandage wrappings around her forearms that ended at her palms, allowing her fingers to poke out as though she wore fingerless gloves. Being shoeless never bothered her since she saw it merely as a weakness.

Her dead pale skin appeared ghastly since it was cloudy with down pouring rain. Her eyes were masked by black sunglasses while her pitch-black hair was pulled back into a real long and spiky ponytail, that stretched down close to her feet. As for her bangs, they nearly touched the lids of her eyes. A long scar had was visible, it went over her right eye and ended down her right cheek.

The goth had black lipstick on and her black eyeliner wasn't able to be seen no thanks to her sunglasses, she appeared to be in her early twenties; two stolen butcher knives resided in the soaked grass to her side. It had been years... No, about a century since I had ever put my trust in someone... My friend...had raised me for nearly one hundred or more years until that fateful day, where I got beaten brutally by men under hard pouring rain... Just like this. The sound from the rain became more noticeable as if it fell heavier than before. She was in a spacious forest that appeared more like a field with only a few trees.

A flashback occurred and showed a view that hovered above the Rukongai, with the same pouring drops and cloudy sky. A little girl sat in an alleyway crying, she was so thin as if she hadn't eaten in weeks. Many people had passed her, ignored her cries except for one boy who appeared just a bit older than her. "Are you alright, little one?" his voice was young and concerned.

The boy asked the small child, though, she was frightened by his sudden approach. She had long black and straight hair that went past her back with bangs that covered her eyes just her horrifying eyes couldn't be seen. He was the first to ever approach me....and care for me, where no one else would... the woman's voice occurred during her trip down memory lane. The boy smiled sweetly to the little girl, holding his hand out to show he wasn't dangerous in which the frightened child hesitantly took.

The scene changed and showed the little girl who had grown up, her appearance wasn't that much different compared to her child-self. The girl was running away and darting her eyes all over the area, searching for her friend. It was raining and many guys were chasing after her with anger written on their faces. They were screaming out her name and calling her many unpleasant things. "You bitch, get back here!" one guy exclaimed from the small gang.

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