Chapter 48: What she doesn't know, will shock her.

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A knock resonated from the goth's door, waking her and Dao up. The man grumbled at the annoying sound and felt the need to pummel the one who had woken him up. With drowsiness evident in the punk's slits, she groggily stood to her feet and rubbed an eye. "Who the hell's knocking at this hour...?" she asked, whilst sluggishly making her way to her door. The old ruler apparently slept on a pile of blankets on the floor, cause he was just sitting under them with a none-too-happy expression.

Just when she touched the handle of her door, her brother rushed it open and made her fly to the other side of the room. "SISTER!~ HURRY, IT'S A DISASTER! SOME HOLLOW MANAGED TO GET INTO THE HOT SPRINGS AND IT'S VERY POWERFUL!" he shouted only to get a foot planted square in his face and had it stay there.

"WHAT THE HELL, DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO KNOCK?!" Kai yelled in question. Nothing seemed to process until like...five seconds later. With her one leg up, her foot glue to his face, and a fist clenched up into the air, she blinked in curiosity. "Wait...a strong hollow...? LET'S GO, I WANNA KICK ITS ASS!" she got really excited at the news of a hollow invading but little did she know that her bro was up to something. Just before she got to bolt out of the door, her great granddaddy's arm randomly stretched in the scene and jerked her backward by her collar. "What was that for, old man?!" she turned around harshly and bared her teeth only to be given a strict glare from the said dragon.

"What are hot springs...?" he questioned and had the most fierce look in his slits. If the hot springs hold...water... I cannot allow her to go... mentally noting, he saw the goth quirk a brow.

"I just heard people talk about hot springs when my bro and I lived in the Rukongai... They said it was a relaxing place, just sitting in the water feels great. So...yeah, I've only heard of others talk about it, I've never been in one though. Well- looks like I get to now! Get to fight in the hot springs, who WOULDN'T pass this chance up?! Hahahaha!" Kai laughed and clamped her hands on her hips. Dao's face went sour at hearing that the hot springs held water and that you had to get in it.

"You may go...but DO NOT get into the water... I wish for you to only defeat the hollow, I shall come with you, for safety reasons..." he demanded with a grumble, something wasn't right...he acted as if the water would just tear her apart...

"Tch- I can jump in if I want, the water's not gonna hurt anyone!" yelled the goth before facing her bro, then grabbed his wrist, and went out the door. With Morgus being dragged by her death grip, he heard Dao emit a dangerous growl. Once the door shut the said Vasto Lorde was alone in her apartment, with his fists clenched and sharp teeth on the corners of his mouth becoming visible, he too decided to leave.

She does not understand the dangers... I must prevent her from ever attempting to get in... he stated in his head as he left, making the door slam shut and slightly shake the inside of her dwelling.

"This way!" Setsuen yelled as he ran ahead of the goth, which is surprising since...he was in her death grip earlier... They were both sprinting down one of the pathways, rushing past everyone who was in the lane. As per usual, Kai's reckless behavior caused her to bump into people, knock them down and make them fly upward from her carelessness. Dao on the other hand was smart, he was racing across the top of the walls and kept an eye on his descendant.

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