Chapter 64: Cybernetic Display.

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(Old note) A/N: HEY GUYS, I FINALLY GOT TO WRITE MR. CYBORG OUT!!! I DIDN'T THINK THIS FIGHT WOULD GO SO WELL BUT IT DIIIIID! OH MY WORD, IM SO HAPPY! Ehem...anyway, as I said before, all these fights are taking place during the same night and practically the same time. A little later in this chapter, it'll show the explosion from before. Also, there are 3 songs listed here this time for...reasons, in which you'll find out! I've been DYING to write this guy out for so long, he's so unique and I don't think a Cyborg even exists in Bleach! I hope you like this chapter! XDD

This is all according to my master plan, for the plot!~

I hope someone can see why I was DYING to write this big guy out!


Aurora Kisaki and Reicon were still invisible, they seemed to have stood on top of a long, domed, metal poll building. The metal roof was blue and its walls appeared to be metal, a large garage door was closed at the front and no lights were on. She became visible and made her Cyborg do the same, they both remained on top of the building. "Reicon, could you please locate the nearest abnormal being? Aside from those Visoreds, of course...~" her seductive, womanly, and mature voice sounded as she held her fan close to her lips.

The male lifted his head a bit higher and in a first-person view, it looked like a computer screen scanning over objects in its line of vision. Many descriptions and words scrolled down in the form of a list off to the left side and a few lines pointed to said objects. They appeared to show what he was scanning and soon a different vision came into view, X-ray. He analyzed through buildings, houses, stores, etc, and spotted four figures in the distance. Kisaki kept her crimson gaze upon the 7'11 foot-man and smirked, she saw him stare in the direction for a while now.

In his vision, four lines pointed to the figures indicating that he was selecting them to be scanned. More words off to the left side scrolled down at a decent pace, giving DNA types, blood types, health, and mental stability. Seeing as only one out of the four was a pureblood, he began walking in that direction and gestured his index finger for her to follow him. "Thank you.~" That was all she said, before trailing along.

They both, almost instantly, turned invisible, and no evidence of them being there was left behind. "It seems his scanner works perfectly, even though he has been asleep for over a thousand years...~" her voice mumbled as the view of Katakura was shown and exposed all the buildings.


Close to the hospital were Ichigo, Orihime, Chad, and a man with glasses, chin-length black hair that had blue eyes. They were sitting on a bench close to the building, Ichigo was standing close to the bench talking with Inoue who was sitting and Chad stood next to him. The man with the glasses sat next to Orihime, having his fingers on the bridge of his glasses and eyes shut.

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