Chapter 15: Pure Rage

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(Old note xD) A/N: I had to fix the Adhucha to Espada, I went back and changed it in the last chapter. I've read on the wiki that, Espada existed way before Aizen had turned them into defects. So I apologize, for calling them Adhuchas! Q-Q

(New note) A/N: Morgus's attack name in his shikai won't be mentioned until later on in the story, just letting you know. I won't be putting up a picture of him with his shikai until that chapter comes around. :3

For those of you who didn't know, I changed the first letter of Coumetsu with a K instead. Since that's how you'd pronounce it in Japanese. xD  It may seem confusing if you were to compare it with the one on so I thought I'd give you a heads-up. :3


A day after the whole event of Morgus and Aizen betraying the Soul Society, Kaiorin was laying on the floor of the guest room, flat on her face. She groaned so loud that it resembled a monster, she was so bored and annoyed. It's been a whole damn day... AND NO ONE HAS EVEN VISITED ME, EXCEPT TO GIVE ME FOOD THAT WOULD FILL UP A MOUSE! She screamed in her head then flipped onto her back and allowed her arms to lay sprawled out. "I'm so BOOOOREEEED! There's nothing to do in this room! Wait... MY BALL! I almost forgot," she just used one arm to check her pockets, in hopes of finding it.

Much to her distaste, the ball wasn't there, and scowled from the realization; the goth stayed there thinking of where she put it until she recalled an image of her desk, in her apartment, and her ball sat on top. "Tch-... Why didn't I put it in my pocket...? If only I knew that I was gonna get fucking bored after I got kidnapped, I would've brought it..." She rose her legs and kicked herself up on her feet, with an unamused expression.

She stood there in deep thought as sorrow gradually made its way onto her features. Morgus... Why...? What made you this way...? After you had run from me when I got bullied into the ground that day... What happened to you, that changed you...? she asked herself in her head, mourn engulfing her lava eyes. "Morgus..." the scene zoomed out and showed a further view of her. Her reiatsu rose up in wildfire and her lava veins popped out in rage. "YOU TRAITOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!" Her roar was so piercing and loud, that it even echoed through the halls that led to Aizen's throne. The guard in front of her door, stumbled forward a bit in surprise and turned around, opening it. (Couldn't remember at the time, if it was stone or not so I just said door. x.x)

Kai stood there with her gaze toward the ceiling, filled with wrath. Her reiatsu was bursting out and her forearms were held up near her torso. "What are you doing...?" the guard asked, making Kai move her slits to meet... Blue-gray eyes. Her gaze widened slightly at the sight after she recalled that there was an Espada that guarded her door and not some 6'1 man, with a bone on his jaw. "Where's that wolf-looking Espada, that was supposed to guard my door yesterday?" she asked, gripping onto her hips and tilting her head backward, towards the side a bit.

The guy just stood there, he had wavy brown hair, a bone around his neck, with a hole in his chest, and looked bored as all-out could be.

The guy just stood there, he had wavy brown hair, a bone around his neck, with a hole in his chest, and looked bored as all-out could be

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