Chapter 75: Proposal.~

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Mind you this is the last, long chapter you'll ever read XD!


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Ayzuko's voice screamed from the top of his lungs, the boy was seen sprinting as fast as he could down a wooden floor path and had a devastated look. He brushed past soul reaper after soul reaper that was in his way, they were all a part of his division. He was panting and whimpering as if a giant, demented beast was after him to eat him alive... He was about to turn a corner but ran into Ikkaku, Yumichika, Kenpachi, and Yachiru. Falling on his butt, he rolled his eyes up and saw Yumi snickering to himself and Madarame grinning.

"What's your problem, kid?" Ikkaku asked even though he knew EXACTLY what was wrong. Seeing the kid look behind him, made the others do the same and saw...a very...scary....beast...

Down the hall, a good ways away were Kai. One fist was clenched and faced inward towards her thigh, her other hand was clamped on the other side of her hip and she was seen walking towards them with a very...furious expression...that was adorned with a bone shard in between her teeth. "Kandaaaaaaa..." the goth dementedly spoke, her head was up and looking off to the side, while her lava slits bore into him. Flaming reiatsu was fuming all around her, making her hair and coat fly up with it. Eyes glowing, veins visible, the baldy had a feeling that Kanda did something really bad...obviously.

"Wow, what did you do to make her super angry?~" Yachiru childishly asked and giggled, as she remained on Kenny's shoulder.

"Yeah, you must've really done something bad...~" Yumichika mused in amusement and giggled with Yachiru.

"You're in deep crap now, Kanda; What did you say to her?" Ikkaku spoke up and looked up at his Captain, seeing him grinning in amusement at the boy.

Ayzuko jerked his head back towards them and pointed an index finger her way, gritting his teeth with widened eyes. "THAT THING IS NO CAPTAIN! IT'S A FLAMING BEAST, A DEMON FOR FUCK'S SAKE! HOW COULD ANYONE FOLLOW HER ORD-" Before he got to finish, Ikkaku grabbed his throat and glared intently into his eyes.

"Don't you her...such insults! If I ever hear you talk about her like that again, you're going to feel pain far worse than what she gives... Just because your a kid, doesn't mean I won't kick your ass..." threat laced his words with his voice being deep and dangerous. Shade had covered his face intimidatingly, making the boy turn paler than a ghost.

"KANDAAAAAAAAAAA!~" that made the boy stiffen even hearing the goth's creepy, dark, grumbling and deep voice call out. Suddenly, a hand outstretched above his head and grabbed him by the hair. The hand soon pulled him back past the corner and all you could hear...was screaming, pounding, and him saying...I WANT TO TRANSFEEEEER!

"Too bad kid, you're in that squad for life, haha!" Ikkaku laughed and so did everyone else, Kenny found her way of handling being a Captain, rather funny and interesting.

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