Chapter 20: Easing Depression

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A/N: Sorry, everyone. I'm trying to get all the Espadas turned and introduced to Kai first, before really stepping into the whole plot. Since she has a bankai and a lot of self-control training, it may take a while. Please bear with me! D:

I really enjoyed the few parts in the end though, haha!

A lot is gonna go down in Las Noches, so be prepared.~


A sound of a guitar being strung once, emitted from her room, and that one string from her instrument gave off a mournful monotone. Kai sat in a far corner inside, holding her guitar close and her head lowered to her lap. While her bangs covered parts of her eyes, her gaze held nothing but distance and sorrow. Constantly stringing only one string and many thoughts of yesterday bottled her mind. Still too in shock from the argument and fight with Morgus, to even care about anything.

Morgus... After all this time, I never knew you had it worse than me... I never knew my parents, all I knew was that I was abandoned and that they feared me... Many people out in the Rukon district told me, that my parents never wanted me and feared me, so they abandoned me out on the streets. I didn't know what it was like to have parents, but Morgus did...and by the sounds of it, it was a painful loss. Someone close to you getting killed, I don't blame him for turning cold really... she mentally spoke as each monotonous tune from her instrument echoed.

Suddenly the door on the other side of the room opened up and there stood Ulquiorra, with a cart of food. Stepping in more, the Arrancar behind him pushed the cart in, bowed then left and the 5'6 footman watched the lady leave, with no emotion on his face. After the door shut, his gaze rolled back over to Kaiorin, who he saw sitting there cross-legged with her guitar close to her. She kept stringing one string and its mournful tune filled the air.

"I have brought you, your nutrients woman, and some new clothing from lord Aizen," he mentioned, before setting the clothes on her couch. He looked back over to her and waited for a response, but instead received nothing. "Didn't you hear me...?" he questioned, yet still no reply...until...

"Get out..." Kai's voice held anger and pain when she spoke. Her stringing stopped but her head remained low. After a moment, she rose her slits to him with the most piercing stare she had ever given to anyone, out of sheer rage. Shadow masked her upper face, allowing the glow from her eyes to gleam through.

Ulquiorra just stood there with an empty stare, then turned to leave. Though just before the door, he paused and moved his gaze over his shoulder to peek at the goth. "Eat your food and change... Trash," With those words said, he pushed her over the edge. The goth hurriedly put her guitar down and ran up to him, then grabbed his shirt. She pulled him up to her height by his top, bore her slits into his, and growled with her teeth clamped.

"Geeeeeet... OUUUUUT!!" Her voice was low and dangerous when she had her face close to his; her veins showed up before she let him down. He, being unfazed as usual, simply turned around and left the room.

She went back into her corner and pulled her knees up against her chest, clearly depressed over what happened before. "I want to train... I need the relief," her pained voice echoed before she got up and grabbed her headset, her MP3, and her radio. "Enough with warm-ups every day, I need a wide-open and large room..." she walked out of her room with the door shutting behind her and ignored the food on the cart. Starrk, as always, waited near her door and saw her leave, causing him to follow after.

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