Chapter 17: A Five Hour Vacation

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(Old Note) A/N: OH MY GUUURSH, YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG I'VE WAITED TO WRITE THIS OUT!! Fair warning, this chapter's a loooot longer. Due to...reasons... heh-... ANYWAY ENJOY! CAUSE I KNOW I SURE DID-- WHEN I WAS WRITING THIS! HAHAHAHAHA!!! XDDD


"Surprised?~" Szayel asked as he fixed his glasses with his finger. "Of course, I was not expecting our Princess to be such a...brute..." he mentioned before taking a short pause. "Although, I AM quite curious about your eyes and bodily functions! I discovered that you're able to use that Lava Cero when your body gets overworked," explained the Espada, as he kept his gaze on a bored-looking Kaiorin and smirked

"So basically... I'm a volcano, that's ready to erupt at any given moment, during a fight...?" asked the goth, who kept that unamused expression present. "And no... I'm not surprised, in fact... Knowing you're one of those two idiots that kept sending me those damn letters...-" she grinned real big then soon, her fiery reiatsu rose and her veins exposed themselves once more. "I'm going to enjoy shoving my foot up your ass...and listen to you scream, like a little girl!" Yelling out, her head rose up and her fists tightened, before continuing. "YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW ANNOOOOYIIING YOU WERE GETTING!" her anger filled her screaming voice as her spiritual pressure heated up his lab.

Someone's throat clearing resonated from the goth's side and made her slits peer over at the seven-footer. "And what exactly would you do, if I was the second person?" his grin was mischievous and filled with distaste, he wanted nothing more than to make her cower in fear.

The scene switched after a comical ding rang through the air, showing Kai being held back by Nnoitra's hand to her forehead, as she spun her arms and tried to get past his palm. "YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG I'VE WAITED TO KICK YOUR REAR EN-!" she got cut off when the seven-footer grabbed ahold of her throat and slammed her against the wall, grinning like a madman.

 "YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG I'VE WAITED TO KICK YOUR REAR EN-!" she got cut off when the seven-footer grabbed ahold of her throat and slammed her against the wall, grinning like a madman

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"You're gonna kick who's ass now...?" he rose his spiritual pressure and gave off a murderous intent. He wanted to make her fear him, to break her will and make her see how crushing his power could be compared to hers; unfortunately, it only excited her.

Her wicked large grin appeared and her laughter that was deep in her throat made itself known to the man of despair. Nnoitra frowned in frustration at knowing what was about to happen. "Heeeey noooow~... You don't wanna ruin those pretty teeth of yours, you might grit them too hard out of ANGER!~" She rose her voice at the last part, making the tall man grind his chomps even more and squeeze her throat tighter.

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