Chapter 8: Explanations

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A/N: The picture above...? Yes, I had to.~


"Daomig'rah... This, DRAGON... Why is he wearing a hollow's mask?" Ukitake questioned, seeming rather confused.

"That is because...he IS a hollow. He is an Ancient hollow dragon, one of the first dragons ever to be created. I have had a few researchers go into Hueco Mundo to find this Daomig'rah; it appears only his fossil remains," Kurotsuchi replied then turned to face his computer and pulled up another photo, of an old volcano in the middle of a pale desert.

"Daomig'rah... I've heard about him. History said, that it used to spit fire and shoot out lava from his mouth, like a Cero that some hollows use. Its roar would be deafening to most hollows as well... I've also heard stories that Daomig'rah was created by the Soul King himself, to ensure balance in Hueco Mundo... Though, after he died I believe that balance was broken..." Head Captain spoke up as his gaze hardened. However, there was a hint of unease at the mention of its name and it seemed as though secrets were being kept from the Captains.

"Most likely a territory cry, a sound to scare off trespassers. Daomig'rah was the first hollow to ever rule Hueco Mundo. Though, something truly does not add up... I have also found signs of another ruler; my research subordinates had come across something that you may find surprising... A piece of a skull. It wasn't an ordinary skull though, I brought it with me and had it examined. It belonged to the most recent ruler," Mayuri explained as he turned to face the other Captains, with a finger tapping his jawline and his eyes rolled up in thought.

Captain Aizen mentally smirked and formed a mischievous look. So... Daomig'rah was the first to rule, way before Barragan...? How...interesting. I knew about the Dragon, but not about him being the first... he voiced in his mind and gazed upon the black beast on the screen.

"What about Daomig'rah, is it, that you needed us in here for?" Yamamoto asked sternly, not once faltering in his strict features.

"Daomig'rah was one of the most powerful hollows known to exist, cause of how intense his abilities were... The pit of his stomach contains lava, much like Kaiorin Koumetsu's... Koumetsu is related to this great dragon; if she were to be trained for a long time and obtained her Bankai... She would be a very dangerous Soul Reaper. I have yet to obtain more information about him, however, if I can get more intel on his history and his power then we may be able to use it to our advantage... If time called for it," Mayuri sat there with his straight yellow eyes staring at the Head Captain. "Fair warning though... If word got out, as to where his fossil lies, it could fall into the wrong hands... Daomig'rah, his fossil was located deep within an old volcano and that volcano is the only one in Hueco Mundo. Unfortunately, its whereabouts have yet to be discovered."

"Thank you, Captain Kurotsuchi... I believe this information will be quite useful at a later time, as for now... We all must get back to work," Yamamoto spoke up. He turned his heel and was about to walk out of the room as if he knew something everyone else didn't. Though, Kurotsuchi said one last thing that made everyone freeze in their tracks, something that made Yamamoto become more uneasy than he was a moment ago.

"He can be resurrected..." A long pause and silence wafted through the air after that was said. Everyone's eyes widened at his words until Mayuri continued. "Daomig'rah, can be resurrected by Kaiorin's blood. One drop into the pit of dried-up lava could reawaken and reform Daomig'rah, as well as his domain... If that word were to get out about her and Daomig'rah... Unwanted events may occur..." he warned with unchanging features, not once faltering in his straight, observative stare.

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