Chapter 54 Tear shedding relief

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At Urahara's place, Kai, Ikkaku, and Yumichika were standing before the door. The goth had her sunglasses back on and Madarame had a bamboo stick resting on his shoulder. A toothy smirk was evident on her lips, she had the idea of enjoying her stay...even if it meant causing a fight... "Well, this is it," he grinned and looked over at the goth only to notice that smirk she had and grew worried. Great...she usually smirks or grins like that, when she has something planned... he stated in his head whilst a sweatdrop rolled down the side of it. Reaching for the door, he opened it, inside was a man with a green-stripped hat and wood clogs. A fan was flapping to give off a cool breeze as he sat at his table cross-legged with a pleasant smile on.

A short, red-haired boy and a black-haired girl in pigtails stood on either side of the man. In one of the seats on the floor, Renji was sitting and was staring at the three at the door. "What are you guys doing here?" he questioned with a quick blink and a raise of his brow.

"I need to talk with Urahara alone; Kai, you, and Yumichika stay here a minute, ok?" Ikkaku asked and looked over at the two, the goth grinning madly was the only response he got.

"Sure, I don't miiiind, hehehehhehehe.~" she chuckled and stepped inside.

"You're certainly, a new face, haven't seen you around here before! What's your name?" he asked the six-foot, two-inch woman with an amused grin. Both the kids in there moved their attention to the punk whilst the red-headed kid narrowed his eyes.

Her expression changed from amused to boredom, her lips frowned in displeasure when she had to tell him her name. Walking up to the man after taking off her black leather, steel-toe combat boots and got on her knees. She slammed both her fists strongly onto the table, leaned over, forward, and hovered over the table a bit.

Her shades scooted down the bridge of her nose slightly, making her mahogany and brown mixed eyes peek just a bit over them. Shadow veiled over her eyes and they glared deeply into the strange man's unfazed ones. "Why the hell do you wanna know...?" she asked darkly, soon having the very shadow from her eyes engulf her face intimidatingly.

He smiled casually and shut his fan, as well his gaze. "Isn't it proper to have an introduction?~ It's fine if you don't want to, I'll just call you miss feisty is all!" he cheered the last sentence and had a happy background appear behind him.

She widened her eyes at that, what he said reminded her of when Kyouraku said that... Grumbling, she stood to her full height and crossed her arms, she was not happy... "FINE! Kaiorin Koumetsu..." Kai decided to say and stepped towards the wall, sitting down cross-legged against it.

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