Chapter 47: Celebrating her return.

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In the store, all kinds of dark and creepy things were up for sale. There were small little rag dolls, straw-made dolls with black tiny kimonos on them, multiple colored fingernail polishes, various lipsticks, skull-shaped jewelry, hair jell, eyeliners, dark kimonos, and other Japanese attires with gothic designs on them. There were bracelets for males and females alike with spikes, jewels, and other accessories. Skulls, fake spider webs, various colored candles, and even colored cloths with patterns on them were there.

Mostly gothic valuables littered the shop and the goth stared in awe. Though something hit her...something she almost forgot, since she was in Las Noches for so long... Her ball, the palm-sized ball that Rangiku bought her. Damn, I should have picked that ball up, on my way back out of my apartment...after I put the makeup back on and such... Kai mentally groaned from the lack of memory and walked through a path that had a lot of cute little toys. She had her hands stuffed in her pockets, darting her slits left and right of either side of the small path.

I wonder where everyone else went... she questioned in her head, then took notice of all the dolls and painted, wooden bats; the goth sweatdropped at the sight of those two toys. "Those look like something children would play with...but isn't gothic stuff meant mostly for teenagers and adults...?" questioning no one, in particular, she seemed bored and a frown played art her black lips as she kept her gaze at the two types of toys. The punk leaned over, picked up a rag doll, and examined it. It wore a black cloak with a violet-colored gown, on top of its head was a black straw hat with lace covering up its eyes.

(This is so much older than the others but it's the best sketch I have of her XD! I only have her bankai colored in right now

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(This is so much older than the others but it's the best sketch I have of her XD! I only have her bankai colored in right now... This will have to do until I can make a better sketch of her and color her in.~ :3)

"Ah, welcome! You must be new here! I ran into a few other new customers, were they with you?" A mature and seductive woman's voice questioned and made her raise her head. The woman had a purple fan with black lace on the edges; she wore a...revealing dark purple kimono... Her cleavage was exposed, the front of her legs stuck out from a slit of the bottom piece, a black wrapping tightly hugged her waist and had a small bow tied up against her back. Her lower face was hiding behind the fan and her eyes were masked by an average black flat-looking hat that seemed to come from the victorian era; it was tilted over her forehead. She wore black clogs and her fingernails appeared dark purple.

The goth just stared at the woman with an annoyed, bored face and remained silent, glaring at the dark and loose-looking woman. After a moment of quietness, the said revealing woman snapped her fan closed and dark violet lips were seen smirking.

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