Chapter 32: Gaining Control.

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"Inhale...and exhale... Inhale...then exhale... Good, keep it up," Ryu's voice echoed through the air. Kai was in her inner world, standing stiffly with her legs separate. As per usual, the environment had a black sky with falling volcanic ash while Lava veins glowed brightly down the distant volcanoes and on the dark ground. Ryu was sitting down with her blazing wings folded, watching the goth intently.

The punk repeated her action while she holding her fists up in front of her. With each breath, she'd pull her fists back behind her waist and after every exhale, her fists would push forward and outstretch her fingers. She kept her eyes closed to try and focus, seeming as calm as she could possibly muster. "Keep breathing, Kai. Do not forget, you asked me to help you gain more control over your bankai earlier... So, do exactly as I say," her strong, mature voice rang through the goth's ears and made her break her concentration.

"I know Ryu, damn! Why the hell do you think I'm putting up with your repeating method?!" Her eyes comedically turned white and sharp teeth clamped tightly, towards the blazing dragon.

~~~Flash back~~~

The goth was pacing down the hall with Dao behind her, arms up behind her head, and kept her eyes glued to the ceiling. It felt good to train, I should have my old man be my punching bag more often... Speaking of training... Oi, Ryu! she mentally yelled, gaining the blazing beast's attention. In her inner world, the said dragon rose her head up to the blackened sky while laying down all curled up.

Yes...Kaiorin? Ryu questioned the goth and kept her fiery solid gaze to the black sky.

About that breathing tactic of yours, I may consider practicing it again... I'm so damn tired, of losing my mind when I gain a new level of strength! I know it was my first time using bankai...but I doubt other soul reapers would go insane when they first get theirs! How am I that much different than them?! she questioned her beast of a Zanpakuto with a scowl forming on her face.

It is because... When a fire grows, it uncontrollably catches things ablaze. Burns everything in its path until it turns black or into ashes. Considering your personality, you are like a lone flame. When your fire gets bigger, it gets even more out of hand and tries to burn everything down to the ground. That is...IF your fire gets fueled. You are the type of fire....that, if hit by water, you would only roar louder. If put out, you will sometimes set yourself back into flames without the help of others. So...when you are given more heat...more fire, you spread wildly and uncontrollably. methods are supposed to help teach you how to contain your own inferno... If you pass your breathing training, I shall move on to the next step; embracing the heat, while using that breathing tactic. she explained, causing the goth to halt in her step and make Dao run into her. She didn't budge, her eyes were wide as if something big just happened.

Her old man peered over her shoulder to view her face with a risen brow then shook his head and shut his lava slits, before leaning against a wall near them; he waited until she came back to her senses. YOU MEAN TO TELL ME, THAT ALL I HAVE TO DO...IS BREATH?! WHAT THE ACTUAL FRIDGE-FRACKNESS?! C'mon, you can't be serious! I mean really...BREATHING?! I know breathing in and out slowly helps keep a person calm and strengthens their focus...but to help control themselves?! Kai mentally replied in rage and showed up on her hysterically contorted face.

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