Loyalty at its finest

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Harry's assigned to be a new servant for a mess of four princes. However, his pretty complexion and soft face was one too beautiful to ignore, which leads to a small game of loyalty and demand. Soon Harry finds himself having a sexual escape filled with lust and captivating pleasure.

"Zayn! Niall! Liam! Louis! Get down here this instant!"

Immediately the sound of four pairs of feet scurried down a long, velvet set of carpeted stairs; each boy standing with their head high and feet shut together before their mother, Queen Johanne.

"Yes, Queen Johanne?" They all pronounced, not making eye contact as they looked up to who know's what, as long it wasn't their fuming mother.

"Don't get all formal with me!" She shouted then pointed all around their vicinity from the large vast living room to their dining room, "What the hell is this mess! Look around you, bloody dogs!"

The boys winced, but slowly all their heads turned in unison as they looked at the mess of suits, ties, formal wear, underwear, and god who knows what else all over the tables and floors as though some damn tornado went through their mansion.

"The maids could only do so much, but if you boys constantly act like thick, selfish pigs they would all leave and could care less about good pay! You darn animals better clean up your act!" She screamed, "We're having a new servant that will be joining us soon and I want this place cleaned-"

"For a servant?" Louis retorted, "You want us to look clean for a-"

"Did I fucking stutter!" She muttered, "I am close to sending you all to an adult boarding school that will smack your arses and prepare you if you don't listen to me!" Just then they all kept quiet, Zayn, Liam, and Niall trying to hold their laughs as they watched their brother, Louis, sulk, "Now why wouldn't I want to look clean for someone lower than us, do I want to scare them away with this-- this monstrosity? Like I said, now get your arses to a broom, a laundry bag, and start cleaning!"


"God dammit, Niall, stop hogging the fucking broom." Louis grunted as he searched underneath their large, brown, wooden dining table for any crusts and rubbish, "W-What are you even doing!?" He gotten up from below only to find him and Zayn playfully striking each other with their long handled items, hitting and slamming as they laughed. God damn idiots, "NIALL!"

The blonde stopped laughing, turning to Louis immediately with an added drop to a frown, "S-Sorry." He mumbled, "Here." He whispered, then handed the broom back to the man.

Liam, honestly he's an angel, was running all over the damn place squirming and trying to get the place spotless that it made the others dizzy. He already removed all the clothes strewn across the floor and erased any spots and stains stuck upon the walls and/or tables.

"Woah, woah!" Zayn chuckled, placing a hand over Liam's shoulder, "Calm down there thunderbolt, we're here to help too--"

Liam glared, "Really? Just a couple seconds ago you were playing sword fight with Niall, just shut up. I don't want mum to yell at me again." Just like that he was off again.

Both Niall and Louis then stood by Zayn, watching the area become clean by Liam. Honestly, none of them should have helped anyway if Liam was going to storm through the place anyway.

"So when's this new servant coming anyway," Niall asked, "Mum over exaggerates her maids I swear--"

Just then their large front doors released a chime, looks like they were here...

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