She Feels So Good

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By dimpled_halo


Louis gives thanks to the gods above for bringing this woman into the shop. Louis is going to get to touch her with her own hands.

"Of course. What would you like to get done?" Louis asks.

"I wanted to get nipples?" she asks as if the decision is up to Louis. It takes everything for Louis not to drop her jaw on the floor because. What. The. Fuck. This woman wants her nipples pierced. Her eyes instinctively trail down to the woman's beautifully crafted breasts.
Or the one where Louis works at the local tattoo shop as a professional piercer. When Marcel walks in requesting nipple piercings, it just might be the luckiest day of her life.

The loud blare of Louis' cell phone startles her awake. She groans, reaching over for it with her eyes still closed. It's her day off, she had plans to sleep in and stay in her pajamas all day binge-watching whatever new shows are on Netflix.

She sees Zayn's contact on the screen and huffs, "You better have a good reason why you're waking me up at this ungodly hour."

Zayn scoffs. "It's 10 AM, I'd hardly call that ungodly," he deadpans.

"Whatever, what do you want? It's supposed to be my day off. Remember when you approved it last week? You were supposed to cover for me?" Louis reminds him.

"I know and I hate to do this Lou, but I need you to come in," Zayn tells her. When Louis makes a protesting noise, he continues, "Doniyah's in labor and I need to go to the hospital."

"I suppose I can come in," Louis relents. "I better get some cute baby pictures."

"I promise. And you can have Monday off to make up for this," Zayn assures her.

"Fine. I'll be at the shop at noon. Give Doniyah my best wishes," Louis says. Zayn thanks her again before hanging up.

Although she doesn't have to be at the shop for a couple of more hours, there's no way she can get more sleep now that she's properly woken up. She supposes a hot shower can't hurt so she grabs her Bluetooth speaker to begin her daily routine. Pajamas and Netflix will have to wait until Monday.

Saturdays are always busy at the tattoo shop and even though Louis is the piercer, her job can get just as hectic. She loves what she does, maybe because a deep part of her has sadistic tendencies, but she also enjoys making her clients happy through piercings.

Louis herself isn't shy about body modification. Not only does she have a myriad of tattoos that decorate her body, but she also has piercings on her nose, lip, nipples, tongue and somewhere more private located between her legs.

Niall and Liam are already at the shop when Louis arrives. She greets them with a wave.

"Oh hey, Lou," Liam says. He's always so chipper but that's just who Liam is. This is why it still baffles Louis that he ended up with Zayn who has the opposite personality. They make a cute couple though.

"Hello lads," Louis greets. She likes being the only woman at the shop because they let her do whatever she wants. Louis swears she can get away with murder and all the boys would turn a blind eye. Not like she would do that, but it's still nice to know it just in case it were to ever happen.

She gets to her station and makes sure she has all the supplies she'll need for the day. They're out of disinfectant so Louis runs to the back storage closet to get some more before wiping everything down. It's all done before they close the shop, but she likes doing it every time she comes in as well because one never knows what goes on after hours. Louis wouldn't be surprised if Liam and Zayn have fucked on every surface of the shop.

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