You look so beautiful in this light

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By hoplesswriter

The crisp morning air brought the faint spring scent with it as the wind blew through the window, causing Louis to stir from his slumber.

He shivered slightly, tugging the comforter up his body, hand reaching forward, hoping to find warm and soft flesh to pull closer to his chest. When his fingers found miles and miles of cool sheets and pillows, he cracked an eye open, gazing around as much as possible. Rolling half on his back he tried to focus on the sounds - birds chirping and a distant mower could be heard; hearing no running water from a shower or a sink let him know he was alone in there.

Louis stretched his body, groaning contently when loud crackles relieved the tension from spending so much time in the same position. He had slept well; it was Saturday after all, sleeping in was definitely his favorite part of it. It would have been perfect if he wasn't waking up alone in all honesty but the silver band on his finger, the countless matching tattoos he had all over his body and the sweet smell of his husband's hair that lingered on his pillow were more than enough factors to not let him be concerned in the slightest.

Walking lazily to the living room, a comforter wrapped around his semi naked torso, Louis stopped in his track, frozen in place when he spotted him, air leaving his lungs as if being punched out of his chest, his fingers itching to touch.

Harry was sitting on the window couch(), ankles crossed as his long beautiful legs stretched over the white futon, his left hand pressed on his six-months-grown belly, the right one carefully lifting a mug of what smelled like chamomile tea.
His eyes were fixated on something outside; a soft bark let Louis know he was probably looking at the neighbor's dog playing in the yard. Harry's hair was tied in a beautiful messy bun and he looked relaxed, happy, and dreamy. He was a vision, a piece of art.

Louis couldn't fight the fond smile that took over his features even if he wanted. He took a few quiet steps towards his husband, careful not to disturb his peace, finding himself falling in love all over again for him just by way the lights and shadows cast over his face.

Like a magnet, Harry felt his presence, a lazy smile appearing as his eyes closed, waiting for the fingers to come that would caress the back of his neck, and sighing softly when it happened.

"Hey." Pressing a soft hand to Harry's jaw and leaning down for a kiss, Louis said: "Morning, love. Missed you in bed."

"Morning... Oh, sorry." He sighed a bit, hand rubbing at the bottom of his belly. "Woke up to this little one playing footie with my kidney, couldn't fall back asleep."

His eyes fluttered closed when Louis' fingers started playing with the tiny curls at the base of his neck. Harry pressed his face to his husband's stomach and breathed in his scent, humming contently when another tap of foot happened in his belly, a smile appearing on his lips like a shy morning light on a winter day.

"That's okay, love. Are we feeling well, though?"

Harry looked up and nodded happily. He loved when Louis made sure to refer Harry as 'we' or as 'both of you', being sure to include their baby in all they did since those two plus signs had appeared on the pregnancy test stick.

"Yes, we're all good, just a little bit restless today-" He looked down at his bump, Louis' hand moving over it in soft circles. "Aren't we, babyboy?"

His husband snorted when a little kick answered his question.

"I'm glad that you and my babygirl are alright."

Harry giggled and pressed his face back to Louis' body. They didn't know the sex of the baby, which had been their first request to their doctor: she wasn't allowed to tell them anything unless the baby appeared to be in any sort of distress or danger. Thankfully, both Harry and the baby were perfectly healthy, so with that said, they had no idea what they were expecting. Louis bet it was a girl, Harry knew it was a boy. Neither of them truly cared about the gender, knowing the only thing that mattered was the baby being healthy, but they loved the banter and teasing about who was right.

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