Tasting me like blood in your mouth

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By tied_up_by_two_ships

Harry Styles didn't have a good life.


He was abandoned when he was a baby and left to an orphanage. The place that took him treated him well, he supposed, the ladies and staff were nice. But the other kids there were not. They stole his food and his toys and his clothes, and as he grew up they made fun of him. And when he was 15 a boy named Kyle, who was 17 and just about to get kicked out of the place, stole his virginity.

The second time he was raped, Harry ran away. Stole some money and food from the ladies there while they slept and he went to the city to escape.

He was sixteen and homeless, and after two weeks and no luck of finding a place or job, he was starving.

And then Louis came into the picture.

He found Harry in a dark corner of the city, a ratty old sleeping bag and one little bag of chips all he had in his possession. He was pale and sickly, his eyes a dim green and his lips chapped, and there was throw up that was pure stomach acid all over his side.

Harry watched as the man with bright blue eyes walked towards him, vision fuzzy. He wore all black, and Harry knew he was the end. He just closed his eyes and waited. It wouldn't be long now. Free, he would be free.

The warm breathe washed over his face, the gentle voice calming Harry. "Don't worry, little love. I've got you now."

That was the start of the best thing in Harry's life.


"Louis, I'm hungry!"

He glanced up at Harry, who lay in bed while he sat at the sofa chair in the corner, reading a book. "Then stop whining and get up to make yourself something." He turned a page slowly. He could finish the book in minutes but sometimes he read each word over and over just because he liked to take his time occasionally.

"But Looouuiss! I'm sore!" Harry made sure his eyes were big and cute.

Louis sighed. Harry was being a whiny brat for the past half hour. "I don't care, I'm busy."

Harry pouted. "Reading that old book again. Stupid." He rolled over a bit and winced. He really was sore. Louis had fucked him pretty hard last night, and he was a bit lightheaded, too, from both the fucking and draining of his blood. He just really wanted something to eat and drink, and to cuddle with his Lou-bear.

"Harry," Louis warned.

"It's a stupid fucking book."

"Enough, Harry." He looked up at the curly haired boy and glared.

"No, it is a stupid book." He stuck out his tongue.

One second later, Louis was above Harry, pinning him with his arms above his head. Harry gasped, staring up into his eyes. "Oh, you just wanted to irritate daddy, didn't you, kitten. So daddy would punish his naughty boy." Louis grin was scary, but Harry was used to it.

"No, I'm sore, daddy." Harry smiled, pure innocence. "Can I please have some juice?"

Louis frowned. Usually when they played this game Harry asked for something else, like for Louis' cock in his mouth. Up close now, he could see the weariness in his love's eyes. Maybe he should've given him more attention earlier.

He pet Harry's hair with a gentle finger, twirling it around, and asked, "What kind of juice, baby?"

"Apple, please."

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