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By ItIsWhatItIs9194

"I love you, sweetheart," Louis murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to Harry's forehead. "I love you so much."

Harry smiled at his Dom sleepily, struggling to keep his eyes open. "Love you," he whispered, voice sounding slightly strained.

Louis smiled, beginning to untie Harry's wrists. He disentangled the knots slowly but skillfully, handling his sub's delicate wrists carefully. No matter how many times the Dom reminded the sub to not tug on his restraints, Harry couldn't resist. As a result, the pink nylon rope they used always left light marks on Harry's sensitive skin. But Louis always made sure to massage his wrists afterwards.

"Such a sweet boy," Louis cooed, undoing the final knot on Harry's right wrist. "My lovely baby. You're so good." He pulled the rope off Harry's wrist and laid it on the nightstand.

Harry's eyelids fluttered at the praise. He always thrived off praise from Louis; it was essential for him to function properly as a sub. He needed Louis to tell him he was good, that he was his Dom's good boy. "Thank you," Harry murmured, looking up at Louis with a soft smile. He was still lying on his back on their bed, naked, looking absolutely beautiful. There were tear stains on his cheeks, his eyes were red and a little bit puffy, he had come on his face, stomach, and hole, his bum was red, and his voice was scratchy, but he was the most beautiful boy Louis had ever seen.

"I'm going to untie your other wrist now, alright?" Louis checked with the boy. He wanted him to be aware of what was going on around him, so he didn't get alarmed or scared.

"Wrist," Harry mumbled, looking at Louis with wide eyes.

"Sorry, babe? What do you need?" Louis asked softly, leaning down and caressing Harry's cheek that wasn't coated in come. He'd have to clean his other cheek in a minute.

"Want you to rub my wrist, please," Harry asked quietly, averting his eyes nervously.

Louis grinned. His boy was so sweet. "Of course I will, sweetheart. Thank you for being so polite. I'm not angry with you," he consoled. "I'll rub both your wrists after I get you all cleaned up, okay?"

Harry nodded. "Thank you, Lou."

The Dom kissed Harry's forehead again before he moved on to his other wrist. He skillfully undid the knots on Harry's left wrist, working carefully so as not to irritate his sensitive skin. Harry's breathing was even as he did so, the sub looking relaxed. Louis was glad, because he needed to regain the energy he'd lost during their scene.

"Good?" Louis asked once he'd untied both of Harry's wrists.

The sub nodded. "Good." He smiled dopily.

Louis examined the boy's now free wrists, frowning at the marks on his skin. "When I tell you to not pull on your restraints, love, you've got to try to listen better, okay? You have too many marks for my liking."

Harry squirmed, looking away from Louis, ashamed. "I'm sorry, Sir," he whispered. "I'll try not to next time."

"My baby just gets too excited, doesn't he?" Louis smirked, making Harry blush. "Don't apologize, love. I just worry for my baby."

"I'm just going to go get a wet cloth to clean you up, alright sweets?" Louis told the sub, planting a soft kiss on his curls before he headed off to their bathroom.

The sub smiled and watched Louis with admiration. He was so, so lucky to have such a kind, caring Dom. Louis never left him without providing aftercare, and he always showered him with love. They were in a 24/7 Dom/sub relationship, but they both loved each other so much.

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