
813 7 0

By Stylinson__Syndrome


"We can go the formal way, you getting a lovely termination letter." The blue eyed man sad as he stroked the boys balls through his panties. "Or. We do it my way, and no one will know this grave mistake you made"

Harry cried and squirmed, "what do you choose now, darling?" He heard. He shut his eyes, he couldn't afford to lose his job. He had rent to pay, sister to feed, his parents to support. And his job does pay fairly well.

"Y-your way s-sir" harry stuttered out.


Secretary Harry makes a big mistake and needs to be punished.

Non consensual 

"In my office. Now" Louis' deep voice was filled with dominance, and left no room for arguement, as he slammed the file down on his secretary's desk.

Harry sighed, knowing he had done something wrong again. Its the third time this week and he honestly feared that his boss would fire him.

He stood up, fixing his baby blue dress and grabbing the file before following his boss steps to his office. He timidly knocked on the door, peaking his head in the slightly ajared office door. "Come in" he heard the older man say.

"Y-you were looking for m-me? Mr Tomlinson?" Harry squeaked timidly. "Ah yes, Harry. Come here." Louis spoke as his blue green eyes pierced through Harry's green ones, as if threatening Harry to break eye contact with him. Louis guided Harry to the back of his desk.

"Firstly," louis placed his hands on both sides of Harry's waist. "You look good in blue." He squeezed his hip a little.

Harry blushed at the compliment, bowing his head. "T-thank you"

Louis patted his lap, a signal for Harry. Harry yet again blushed and accepted the offer.

"M-Mr Tomlinson. Is this why you called me i-in your office?" Harry spoke quietly as he looked up from his boss' lap.

"Ah, you remind me" Louis said, "Harry." Louis started, "tell me whats your job." His voice has gone back to dominance, something Harry would drop to his knees on upon hearing it.

"Your s-secretary, sir" the smaller boy's voice cracked.

"And what is a secretary supposed to do, hm? " the boss' hands rested at Harry's inner thigh. Harry whimpered, "uh-perform tasks, schedule m-meetings for you, uh-files?"

"Thats right," Louis gave Harry's thigh a little squeeze. "Maintaining my files. Looking through them before allowing me to sign them. Or else it would be a big grave mistake, won't it?" Harry kept quiet, looking down.

"Look at me." Harry's head snapped up, looking at his boss. "One zero more or one zero less could affect the company, and you could never afford them, could you?"

Harry shook his head no, his heart beat getting faster and faster by the second. He could feel his heart at his ears. "Grab the file." Harry immediately obeyed, leaning over and grabbing the file that he brought in.

"Go to the ones about the pricing Javaad Enterprise has to contribute." Louis ordered, "how much do they have to pay?"

Harry frantically flipped to the page, gulping "twenty million, sir."

"Ah, yes. And how much did you write in numbers, darling?" Louis' voice is now cold, his hand getting closer and closer to his cock, and he held the squirming boy in place of his lap.

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