I Wanna Do Bad Things With You

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By lesbianphrodite

Harry entered the pun and was immediately hit by the smell of booze and sugar. He headed straight for the counter, sitting on one of the stools with a dull thud. It was quiet today.

"Hey, mate," Zayn, the dark haired bartender, said without looking at him. "Owww, what happened?" He asked seeing Harry's frown.

"Life happened." Harry sighed, crossing his arms on the counter and pushing his head on the. "Breakups happened."

"You wanna talk about it?" Zayn raised an eyebrow.

"I'd rather just get a beer. In fact, d'you know what? I'm buying you one, too."

"Can't, H. I'm on the job." He shook his head.

"It's just one beer, Zayn, c'mon! Actually, I'm buying for everyone sitting at the bar!" Harry said, then looked around.

There was actually only one other person sitting at the bar. It was a guy, maybe a little shorter than Harry himself, dressed in tight jeans cropped at the end, a white t-shirt, and a jean jacket. He seemed to have a bit of a mullet with his fringe flopped to the side just a bit and he looked like he hadn't shaved in a few days.

"That okay with you?" Harry turned to the stranger.

"It's fine, mate. Only beer's not really my drink," the guy smirked. His voice was a bit high, but really nice to listen to at the same time.

"Something harder then?" Harry suggested.

"Yeah, something a bit harder!" He chuckled. There was a crackling sound and two sharp fangs popped in place of the man's canine teeth.

"Oh," Harry wasn't sure how to respond - he'd never met a vampire before. He stood up for their rights a few years ago when they came out of the coffin, but he'd never actually talked to one.

"So I guess... blood, then? Which is your favorite?"

The guy retracted his fangs. "My favorite?" He raised an eyebrow, his eyes gleaming with humor. "Human," he said, licking his lips. "But B- works fine."

"Well, umm... can you get him that?" Harry turned to Zayn.

"Sure," Zayn shrugged, walking behind the pub to get a Tru Blood from the fridge.

Harry just shifted uncomfortably, not sure what to say now.

His new companion just smirked in his direction. "You've never met a vampire before, have you?"

"N-no, not really," Harry admitted, deciding there was no point in lying. Hell, vampires could hear human heartbeat, so the guy would probably know anyway. "I've only seen them - um you, I guess, on TV."

The stranger laughed and moved to sit only one stool away from Harry. "I'm Louis, it's nice to meet you." He extended his small hand to Harry.

"Harry." Harry shook his hand.

"Here ya go, mate!" Zayn showed up with Louis's bottle of blood.

"Thanks, pumpkin." Louis smiled and winked at Zayn, who just laughed, shook his head, and headed over to his newest client. "Well, cheers!" He raised his bottle to Harry and took a swig. Harry followed his example.

"So... do you come here often?" Harry asked.

"First time, mate. I usually prefer a bit of a different... environment. You know, vampire pubs. But I wasn't in the mood today. And I just found out that this place is near my flat. What about you?"

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