How to Clean Your Jewels

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By blueygreenylove

After a long, hard day at work, Louis walked in and rested his head against the door, happy to be home. He started calling for Harry, but he couldn't find him anywhere, so he immediately went upstairs and heard noise coming from the en suite bathroom. He walked in, only to find Harry with a ton of rings and a Coca Cola bottle. He snorted, as his huge dork of a boyfriend never failed to surprise him. "Oh hi, love." Harry said, completely focused on what he was doing. "What...what are you doing?" Louis asked, giggling. "My rings have been looking a bit dirty recently, and I thought I'd try this Pinterest hack."

-"Who even still goes on Pinterest?"

-"Ummm, I do. Anyways, it said that if I pour cola onto my jewelry it'll be shiny and pretty again. So I thought I'd try it."

-"Babe? BABE? Look at the ring you're holding, the gem's melting!"


-"Why are you still pouring cola on it you idiot? Stop!"

Louis grabbed the bottle out of Harry's hands so he could stop him from completely destroying his ring. Once they put the bottle down, they began looking at the ring intensely to try and figure out how much damage was done to it.

"Ugh dammit. It completely ruined the ring. Good thing it isn't one I care about much anyway." Harry said, annoyed. "You're such an idiot shouldn't be following Pinterest hacks!" Louis said, torn between laughing and shaking his head in disappointment.

-"Yeah well how would I know? It said it worked."

-"Why didn't you just go on YouTube where you can see shit when it happens?"

-"Look, I don't know, okay? Anyways, let's forget about this. Come on. You haven't even changed yet."

They left the bathroom and went back into the bedroom, and Louis started to get undressed. As he was doing so, he felt Harry's eyes burning holes into him because of the intensity of his gaze. He turned to face him, smirking, and Harry looked away, blushing like a baby. "Aww are you blushing? You do realize you could've kept staring, right?" Louis said, teasingly. Harry just hid his face in a pillow playfully. "Oh come on, love. We've been together for three years. I'd think you got used to how I look shirtless."

Louis climbed onto the bed and straddled Harry's thighs. He then began mercilessly tickling his sides, making Harry augh uncontrollably. "You're actually a five year old." Louis said, laughing at how adorable Harry was being. After a minute, he stopped tickling Harry and dropped down to kiss him. He hadn't given him his "hello" kiss yet.

"Did you have some of that cola before you used it to...clean your rings?" Louis asked in between kisses that were slowly getting deeper. "Why're you asking?" Harry said, voice already dropping lower. "I taste it on you." Louis said, as he started subtly grinding onto Harry, making him let out soft, quite moans.

With that sentence, Louis got an idea. He'd always wanted to know what that would be like, and this felt like the perfect occasion to try it. "Baby? Can we try something?" He said in a more dominant voice. "Mhm. Anything for you, daddy." Harry replied easily like the little good boy he was.

Before Louis left to get what he needed, he let Harry completely undress himself and handcuffed him to the bed. Harry was already getting hard, an effect louis always had on him. Louis left him like that, whining slightly, to go into the bathroom and grab the cola bottle. When he walked back in, Harry smirked at him upon seeing the cola bottle, obviously understanding part of what was gonna happen.

"Okay, baby. Now be good and stay still for me, can you?" He said once he got on the bed, and Harry just smiled happily and laid back, probably expecting a finger inside him. What he did not expect, however, was the cold bottle brushing his sides, then going up and down his dick, all the way down to his balls. He squirmed and yelped a lot, and Louis was helpless to smirk.

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