Always Be Prepared

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By vondrostes


"I have a surprise for you," Louis informed him. "To make up for not remembering your toys."

Louis wasn't exactly known for thinking things through.

From his perspective, though, Louis didn't think that he could be the one considered at fault for the fact that they'd ended up at their holiday villa for the weekend sans the bag of sex toys and assorted bondage items that they'd both been planning to use for the majority of their stay. Harry's opinion contrasted drastically.

"I told you to put the bag in your suitcase before we left," Harry said with a sharp glare in the back of the car at the airport, the partition affording them a modicum of privacy for their argument on the way to the villa.

"And I told you that I didn't have room," Louis countered. "I thought you were going to do something with it."

"Just because you ran out of room in your luggage doesn't mean it wasn't still your responsibility," Harry shot back. He crossed his arms over his chest and stared pointedly out the window. "Whatever," he added when Louis failed to come up with an adequate response to the accusation. "Suppose we'll just be spending a lot more time outside than we planned."

On paper, there was nothing wrong with that—they were on a beachside holiday after all—but Louis had really been looking forward to spending the weekend making sure that Harry came out the other side utterly wrecked, and now those plans had been put to rest all because of a silly little misunderstanding.

It wasn't until they pulled up in front of the hotel to check into their villa that a solution suddenly occurred to Louis.

"You're going to get run over," Harry remarked casually upon noticing that Louis had stopped short in the middle of the porte-cochère, seemingly oblivious to the cars passing by him on both sides.

Louis regained his senses just long enough to hurry after Harry with their bags in hand (the ones he'd remembered to bring, at any rate), and less than ten minutes later, they were walking into their cosy waterfront villa, the whole weekend—free of obligations and scrutiny—finally at their fingertips.

There was just one thing Louis needed to take care of first.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked, squinting in confusion as he sacked out on the large bed facing out toward the sea through the big bay window at the front of the villa.

Louis quickly rummaged through his belonging for a plain black hoodie and his wallet. It didn't matter much if he was recognised, though he didn't think there was much chance of that happening, but attracting as little attention as possible was always preferable in his mind after the mob scenes they'd been subject to on occasion.

"Down to the shops," Louis replied as he straightened back up again. "I'll be back in a bit."

"Why?" Harry asked, already starting to climb off the bed by the time Louis opened the door to leave.

"You'll see," was all Louis said in answer, and like that, he was on his way.

Louis didn't exactly know what he was going to be able to get at the shops down the street from the resort, but he did know that he was going to have to make at least two trips. The first, to get the condoms and lube they'd neglected (forgot) to bring, and the second to purchase a few supplies to spice things up.

The cucumber was an obvious choice. The ginger root and paring knife, less so, but Louis had heard a few things recently that had made him want to try out something new, and what better opportunity than now? He contemplated buying a bottle of wine, too, before remembering that the villa was meant to have its own fully stocked minibar. Never mind, then.

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