I hear the love

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By Babydollxhes

Part 2 Harry, Louis, and the body kinks

Louis fucked his nostril faster, thrusts growing erratic as he was so close to his orgasm. Suddenly, Harry's nose soon started bleeding, the blood gushing out. Harry's nose was fucking bleeding. Louis moaned at the sight and feel of the warm blood pouring over his dick, and before he knew it, he was cumming, his hot cum filling up Harry's nose. Louis pulled out, collapsing next to Harry's writhing body.

"Come for me, come for me baby. Be my good boy." Louis whispered in his ear, swiping blood and cum out of Harry's nose and feeding it to him.

"FUCK!" Harry screamed, crying louder as he started to cum, back arching off the bed, arms pulling at his restraints, cum pooling on his stomach. It was the longest, most intense orgasm he'd ever had.

It had been 2 months since Louis had fucked Harry's nostril.

To say their sex life hadn't been as interesting is an understatement.

Of course, Louis' dick was still bomb. He still fucked Harry hard more often than not, leaving his ass sore and having him limping. However, none of his orgasms had been as intense as when Louis fucked his nostril. So Harry often found himself thinking about that amazing night, whether he was just jerking himself off or fingering himself(a rare occurrence (not including when Louis commanded him to do so)) or just flat-out thinking about it.

Tonight was one of those nights. Harry could feel himself grow hard thinking about how intensely Louis had fucked his nose, how good the feeling of having his nostril rip and bleed felt.

He gingerly placed a hand on his dick through his black lace panties.

"Fuck." He whimpered, sliding his hands under his panties, working his dick until it was fully hard. Louis was in the bathroom having a shower, and Harry was too impatient to wait for him to come out of the bathroom.

He slid a finger from his free hand into his nostril, sliding it in and out, imagining it was Louis' dick fucking his nose instead of his finger. He replayed images of Louis' fucking his nose, bringing himself close to orgasm much too quickly.

As he felt his orgasm approaching, the door to the bathroom opened and Louis stepped out, towel hanging low off his waist, his hair wet, droplets of water clinging to his body.

"Harry....what.." He asked curiously, walking up to Harry.

Harry quickly removed his finger from his nose and removed his hand off of his dick, quickly sitting up, his face bright red.

"I...was thinking of how you fucked my nose, Lou. It made me so hard and I...I just..."

"Shh baby, I know. It was good, innit?" Louis grinned.

Harry nodded. He absentmindedly twirled a long curl around his finger, biting his lip. Louis knew he had something on his mind. He sat next to Harry on the bed.

"What's up, babe?" He asked.

Harry bit his lip harder, only releasing it when he begun to speak. "Um...remember when you said you'd fuck my ear next time? Well, it's been two months and I..." He tucked a curl behind his ear and slowly started rubbing it. "I, um...I really want you to. Fuck my ear, I mean."

At this point, Harry had become as red as ever. He didn't know why he felt so embarrassed considering Louis had literally fucked his nose, but. He was only human.

Louis chuckled. "Fuck, Harry....of course I want to fuck your ear. Jesus, if I didn't want to, I wouldn't have suggested it."

Louis slowly lay harry down on the bed, climbing on top of him and straddling his waist. He immediately attached his lips to Harry's neck, sucking bruises into his collarbones.

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