A Night to Remember

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Harry's a girl that boys could not stop dreaming about. The damn thing was beautiful at every edge and as she matured over the years, her body screamed sex where every man she's come across wanted to touch her, wanted to savor her. They all wanted to know what on earth she tasted like and what she reeked of if they sunk their face deep in between her legs. Too many boys, too many men had their heads capture a whiplash from shooting lustful eyes towards the artistic beautiful trap.

Her hips were smooth as they swayed side to side when she walked, lips so plush and kissable, and a mouth that opens damn wide when she laughs in excitement, and breasts thick against all her shirts begging to be groped. Everyone, everyone had been fascinated by her, especially two young men that went by the names Ben Winston and David Beckham. Harry's a young woman by the ripe age of 22 who loved to party and throw herself to the nearest hot hunk she could find. It's not that hard to get into her skirt, but to fuck her her real good and slow was something that took a lot more than just effort . She's stingy, could be a complete drunken mess, but would not let a man surpass her limits, by limits the farthest she had gone with a man at a bar was giving a couple blow jobs and receiving a few teasing fingers pushing buttons inside of her. Other than that, there wasn't much done.

It was about fucking time that someone, or some people, changed that. Ben and David were both young men desperate to have some action on that lady's body, but never ever got the chance. The only encounter they've gotten from her had been Harry's talented tongue on a cock while fingers of another played inside her. That's pretty much it, but when they heard those cracked broken moans, it became apart of their mission to get more out of her and tonight was their chance.


Ben has known David since their early diaper years so their tastes and interests are pretty much identical. Kind of creepy, maybe, but they just considered themselves as a pair of super close best friends that could pass off as brothers. Which probably explains why they were both back at the same bar they've been going to for years with a new goal, a goal that's aimed at one special person. That person that went by the name Harry . Ridiculous it is, when would they ever part their identical wants and finally get some settlement in their lives? Probably never.

Well who cares about that, now it was time for their plots to take roll. Harry was going to be here tonight. It was a Friday night, which meant young beautiful Harry will be taking another Friday night off from her busy ass lifestyle to party and let loose. She did go to Uni, which stretched much of her moods so it's always been like a tradition for her to let go on Friday nights.

Oh what a night it will be tonight...


"Ben, do you see her?" David whispers with a gentle touch to the other man's arm.

"Yeah, she's taking a couple drinks down at that bar. She's here, should we, you know, go and chat her up now?" Ben questions.

"Yeah, yeah. Do you think she remembers us from-" David fans himself to exaggerate the hot sensation he had the last time they'd had her, "last time at the bathrooms down there?"

Ben snorts, "I hope so, come on let's go."

David nods and follows right after his best friend who slicks his hair back and confidently strides towards Harry who was seated beautifully over ugly tall stools. She looked stunning tonight, absolutely gorgeous. Her attire was short, choppy and revealed too much skin, but that's just what Ben and David loved about her. That body . Harry had on a very small floral crop top that showed off her toned tummy and a frilly pale skirt with lace ribbons at the edge. God her body was a killer, fuck, all Ben wanted to do was thrust himself into her and-

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