it is what it is

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Louis gets a new hybrid and, after the modifications have healed, has him bred up right away.

"I just got him. Isn't he cute?" Louis asked Niall. He reached over the little pen he'd sectioned off in the corner of the kitchen and ruffled the curly hair of the hybrid he'd just adopted.

"Yeah, he's cute," Niall agreed. "The ones that have the weird dog faces freak me out, but he's alright."

"He's some sort of special kind of mutt. Some kind of lab for mannerisms, cow so he can be used for milk and I don't know what all. It was all listed in the papers but I haven't really looked at them yet other than to see that they named him Harry. Haven't decided if I'm going to change it yet or not."

The hybrid looked so human to Louis that it was hard to believe that his genetics were so intermixed with different species. It was only apparent in subtle features and anatomy like the tail that continued off his spine and ears that peeked out from his hair.

"He's real tuckered out, isn't he?" Niall commented when the hybrid barely twitched when Louis pet him.

"He's still pretty out of it from the surgery. He'll be back to himself tomorrow after he's slept it off."

"What surgery?" Niall asked with his arms crossed over his chest.

Louis stepped into the pen and lifted one of the hybrid's legs to show off the surgeon's skill.

"He was one of those born with both. I want to breed him as soon as possible and it's a lot easier if his parts aren't fighting each other for dominance. That's what the vet said, anyway."

There was a row of stitches where the hybrids balls had been and more where only a nub of his dick was left. Louis was quite pleased with the results even if he was going to have to deal with piss on the floor for a while.

Niall nodded in approval. "What are you going to breed him with?"

"I'm just going to see if I can find a stud dog first. It'll be cheaper to see if he'll catch that way first. If not, might have to go with artificial insemination from a bull. They said it's hard to know which species will be easier to conceive."

"He's part human though, right? So couldn't you just do it and see?"

Louis snorted out a laugh. "In theory, I guess. But I don't want his first litter to be mine. That would be weird."

"I guess so," Niall chuckled.

Louis gently traced his finger down the line of stitches and then the small nub.

"Not gonna lie though, I'll probably have a go at some point."

"I thought that was one of the reasons they were created," Niall laughed, "That's why they sell all those kinky accessories and shit."

Louis chuckled along with him and then rested the hybrid's leg back down and gently patted his hip.

"Is he the type that talks?"

"Naw, they clip their vocal chords at birth I think. I think it would weird me out if he could talk. Want a beer?" Louis asked and then they went to settle in to watch the match.

Waking up slowly, Harry had no idea where he was. The soft cushion he was on didn't smell familiar and he didn't recognize any of his surroundings. He also felt different and wondered if he was really who he was anymore. Maybe he had woken up as someone else. He wasn't sure but he didn't feel like he was in danger in this new place. It was warm with the lights on and he was comfortable where he was even though he was a bit stiff.

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