You like the attention don't you?

895 7 0

By LarryBullship

Harry groaned as the other lads were smirking at him devishly. "C'mon guys! It was just a stupid bet anyway." He protested folding his arms. Zayn laughed, "Yes, you're just the one who made it up." Zayn rolled his eyes. Harry sighed, crossing his arms closer to his chest. Harry had lost a bet which made him now, the maid to the rest of the boys and he also had to wear a skimpy maid outfit. Niall laughed, "a bets a bet." He smirked. "Now, go upstairs and change, maid." Liam laughed. Louis tossed the outfit over to Harry with a smirk. "Come on, Hazza." He chuckled softly. Harry groaned loudly and rolled his eyes. "Fine!" He huffed. Harry sighed and took the outfit, going upstairs. He quickly got changed and bit his lip. It was extremely tight and short. It came up to about his middle thigh and barely covered his bum. He went downstairs frowning and rolled his eyes. "How may I serve you, masters?" He said in a mono tone. "Um, yes. I'd like a beer..." Louis smirked. "Fine." Harry went over to the fridge and bent down. He heard the other Boys wolf whistle as he blushed slightly and handed Louis the beer.
Louis laughed and took the beer. "If I were you I'd be more polite to your masters." Louis teased and gave Harry bum a playful slap before drinking the beer. "I fancy some crisps maid." Niall said with a wicked grin.

Harrys eyes widend and he glared slightly at Louis. He turned back to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of crisps for Niall. He bit his lip and turned around handing Niall the crisps. ''Something else masters?'' he asked.

Louis only laughed harder when Harry glared at him and Zayn nudged Louis whispering something in his ear. "I think your skirts a bit too long Haz. It's hiding all your glory." He said repeating what Zayn had asked him to say.

Harry gulped and looked down at himself ''I think it's short enough'' he said and bit his lip looking at Louis blushing hoping he didn't have to pull it up more.
Louis locked eyes with Harry and shook his head. "I think it's a little long." He said and got up walking around Harry. He went to hug him from behind but as his arms locked at the front he rolled Harry's skirt up a couple of times. "Much better." He whispered into his ear.

Harry blushed and nodded not really daring to protest. He gulped again and looked down at himself ''thanks'' he murmured hoarsly his voice caught in his throat. He looked at Zayn and tilted his chin up a little

Louis smirked and pulled away from Harry. "Don't be embarrassed darling, you look so pretty." Louis teased but kept a straight face and went and sat back down on the sofa. "Beautiful in that skirt." Niall chipped in on the joke.

Harry blinked a few times trying to get himself together again. His breath hitched a little and he cleared his throat ''Can I do something else masters?'' he asked looking at each of them.

"You can give me a lap dance if you'd like." Louis said with a cheeky glint in his eyes and he heard the other boys crack up with laughter but he didn't look at them he just kept his eyes locked with Harry's.

Harry shifted slightly and moved to Louis uncomfortably. He spreaded his legs sitting on Louis' lap and sighed a little. He placed his hand on Louis' shoulder to keep himself in balance and slowly started moving on Louis lap pressing him bum against Louis' tighs.

Louis' eyes widened in disbelief. He didn't think Harry actually had the balls to do it. He grabbed Harry's waist to help keep him up and bit his lip to stop himself from moaning. All the other boys were watching them with wide eyes.

Harrys breath hitched and he slowly started rolling his hips into Louis', squeezing his shoulder and biting his lip concentratingly. He fluttered his eyes closed and grinded into Louis more.

Louis couldn't help but let out a little moan and he felt himself start to harden. His head lolled back and he bucked his hips up towards Harry. "F-fuck Styles."
Harry smiled a little proudly and grinded one last time into Louis before standing up again. He bit his lip and blushed looking at the boys. He was extremly hard and you could probably see it very clearly in the skirt.

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