Better if I didn't tell you

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By lots_pen

Harry had always been small, it's something he was always teased about but he didn't really mind, at least not a lot.

His asthma didn't help either, not only did people thing he was too little to play but also too weak; his mum said it was just a phase "you'll grow, little harry; just wait and you'll shoot up like a plant!" and then they would read Jack and the Beanstalk together, but although Harry did grow he was always the smallest.

His favorite moment will always be forming as a band on x factor, he can't imagine life without his band mates who (although not know to the public) are also his boyfriends, he loves them all and they love him, Harry don't feel so small with them.

Niall is the best at hugs, and when is his smile not contagious with his big laugh and loud presence, he could cheer anyone up.
Zayn is so protective, looking after them all and with his dangerous eyes glaring down anyone who tried to come in between him and his boys.
Liam with his puppy dog eyes and pouty lips is daddy direction, without him the band would probably be a mess.
Louis is the eldest of them all and the most sarcastic person Harry ever met, his feather hair and blue eyes can let him get away with ANYTHING.

Harry likes to think that he is the hopeless romantic of the group, he quite likes that role; the boys, although worry about each other a lot,were always protective over Harry the most, along with being the youngest at just 17, his height got him a considerable amount of hate and as soon as his band mates learned he has asthma they watched him like a hawk. These were all reasons why Harry never like to worry any of them except one time when it got him into trouble.
the screaming of the crowd outside was deafening, the five boys looking through the window at all fans, Niall was biting his nails out of worry, he was a little claustrophobic but Liam being daddy direction grabbed his hand to stop him and rubbed circles with his thumb comfortingly; Paul was talking to someone the phone but none of them were really paying attention in that direction anyway, too busy fonding over one another.

They had been in a meeting with their management about their upcoming tour but somehow fans had found out where they were and were now crowding the building making means of leaving quite difficult.

Paul hung up the phone and turned to the boys "sounds like this crowd isn't letting up anytime soon, if anything it may get worse-" at these words Niall tried to get his hand back from Liam but he kept a firm hold, Louis had his arm around Harry's slim waist and Harry's small hand was clutching at Zayn who was looking down at him with worry, fans always got quite touchy in crowds and easily towered over Harry so he basically had a target on his back in these situations.

"our best shot is to leave now so everyone stay close together, nobody try to talk to anyone, the crowd is too big for that today, Liam keep Niall safe so he doesn't get too panicked and Harry try to keep in the middle of the lads so you are out of reach" everyone nodded at the instructions given until Paul finished speaking and walked to open the door.

the screaming only got louder from there as they all stepped out of the building, Paul went first then Liam who was dragging Niall quickly behind him, acting like a shield. In all the hurry to escape Harry ended up at the back of the line behind Zayn, he tried to grab his shirt but he was walking quickly and the grabbing hands felt like they were slowing him down, suddenly Harry wasn't in the escape route of the band anymore and felt his arm being tugged sideways towards the outskirts of the crowd.

Everything was moving like a picture animation, the audio running loud in his ear and images flashing until suddenly everything came to a standstill and he was facing a man in an alleyway around the side of the building he was just in, Harry glanced up and down, the man was tall and built with scruffy brown hair down to his neck, he was wearing an orange jumper with beige trousers and old muddy trainers, as he looked up to his face he noticed he had hazel eyes, but unlike Zayn's they weren't warm, they were cold and masked over in the shadow of the building, the smirk playing on his lips grew "Harry Styles-" he sighed, in fake awe, his voice was high pitched and annoying, with a scratchy tone"you're shorter in person, and even weaker than I imagined, dragging you over here felt like I was dragging along my whiny eight year old niece" the blow to his appearance stung a little but he tried not to let it show "now, down to business before someone notices" he hurries on.

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