Push me beyond my limits

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By asdfgh15

Harry sat at a bar. He was tense leg moving up and down and his fingers tapping restlessly on the wood in front of him. "Nervous?" a voice pulled him from his thoughts. He looked up and saw Liam standing in front of him. Harry smiled at his friend. "A little," he confessed. "Want something to drink?" Liam asked him. "Just water," Harry gave back. Liam nodded and grabbed a glass. "Tonight's the night, right?" Liam asked when he placed the glass in front of Harry. "Yes," he gave back taking a sip from his water. "When will he be here?" Harry looked at his watch. "Should be any minute now." "Good evening," a voice suddenly said to his right and both Liam and Harry looked over. There he was. Louis Tomlinson. He stood broad and sure, the total opposite of Harry's nervous behaviour. Even though he was not taller than Harry sitting on the bar stool Harry felt like he was looking up at him. When Louis furrowed his brows, Harry realized he hadn't said anything back, too mesmerized by the side in front of him. "Hi," he crocked out, his voice a few octaves higher than normally. Louis' frown changed into an amused smile. While Harry cleared his throat, Louis took the stool next to him and focused his attention on Liam for a moment. "Could you get me a water please?" he asked politely. Liam nodded and grabbed another glass. When he placed it in front of Louis, he smiled at Harry mouthed a "have fun" and turned around to leave them alone.

Louis took a sip from his water before he turned his attention to Harry. "How are you feeling?" he asked him, a sweet smile on his lips. Harry felt his nervousness in his system. His leg was still shaking, his fingers still moving restlessly on the bar. He thought about the question for a moment, while Louis watched him carefully. After a while Louis pressed one hand on his knee and grabbed his fingers with the other. Harry's head snapped up and he had to resist the urge to fall on his knees in front of Louis right away. "I can tell that you're nervous." Louis stated rubbing his fingers with his thumb. Harry nodded. "Words please," Louis reprimanded, and Harry felt his hands starting to sweat. "Yes I'm nervous." "That's alright, lets talk for moment." Harry was about to nod again when he remembered to use words. "Yes, thank you," he answered.

They had already talked. A lot. Harry had contacted Louis a few weeks ago. He had heard about him in the scene and was curious to get to know him. Louis had a reputation Harry couldn't forget the moment he heard it the first time. He was known to push people. Not only get them to reach their limits but go beyond. And Harry was always one to pursue bigger goals. From the moment he heard about Louis the first time he knew he had to meet him. Harry had found someone in the scene who had Louis' contact information and after some convincing he finally texted the man. They had already talked about hard and soft limits, discussed Harry's expectations and laid the ground rules for the scene they were about to do. Louis had offered Harry to meet him beforehand and to get to know each other but Harry had declined. He trusted Louis.

All that had brought them to the current moment. Even though Harry was looking forward to the evening he was nervous now, that the time had come. He was curious how much his body could really endure, but he was also scared how far Louis would push him. He knew he could always stop the scene with a safe word, but that didn't make the prospect of his limits being tested less scary. "You know, we don't have to do this tonight, right?" Louis asked him, his voice soft, his hand still rubbing soothingly over Harry's fingers. "Yes, I know," Harry said. "But I want to." "Are you sure?" Louis asked. "Yes I'm sure," and with that Harry took a deep breath and smiled at Louis.

"Alright then," Louis smiled back. "Do you want to add anything to what we have discussed before we start?" Harry thought about that for a moment. Then he shook his head, catching himself before Louis could say anything and adding a quiet "No sir." Louis had an approving look on his face and finished his water. "Drink up, then we can go."

Louis led Harry by his wrist through the club. They moved from the main area to the private rooms and Harry started to feel his nerves again. Louis stopped in front of a door and turned to Harry.
"When we walk into that room, we will do our scene exactly as we discussed. You can be sure, that I will respect all your wishes and boundaries. But you asked me to push your limits, and I will do that. I want you to use your safe words if you need to, this scene can be a lot. But I'm sure you can endure a lot more than you think you can and if you trust me I'll show you how far you can push yourself. Now tell me, what are your safe words." Harry's head was already a little fuzzy from Louis' speech and the anticipation, so it took him a moment to answer Louis. The man waited patiently eyes roaming over Harry's face for any sign of discomfort. "Green is go," Harry finally said, "yellow is slow down, and red is stop." "Good boy," Louis praised, and Harry smiled widely at the praise. "And what do you do, if you can't speak?" "Snap my fingers once for yellow, and twice for red." "Very good," Louis praised again, and Harry beamed. He felt much more relaxed than he had at the bar now that he was alone with Louis and all his attention was on him. "Last question," Louis stated. "Do you want to do this?" "Yes," Harry answered.

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