Tied up to the bed

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By sugarbabyharry

"Oh yes! Daddy more!" Harry screamed, holding on to the older's man neck for the sake of his life. "Harder! Come on! Give it to me! Uh- yes!" Harry moaned, louder, pushing his ass back so he could get some more of the man's cock.

Harry had already forgotten his name, this was the third man he fucked tonight. He was sure after this he could go home and get praised by Louis with how much he makes in a night, shit, he can't wait for Louis to praise him.

Everyone in the house knows that Harry is Louis' favorite, but Harry always feels the need to show it off and remind Louis how much of a good boy he is with the amount of money he's making for Louis.

The last time Harry made this much money in a night Louis let's him have the next day off and spent the entire day fucking Harry's brains out, and Harry wants that again, the last time he had Louis' cock inside him was nearly two weeks ago. He missed it.

"Can I have an extra ten?" Harry asked as he watched the man put his clothes back on. He looked up to the older man with his puppy dog eyes, no man can't resist Harry like that.

The man rolled his eyes and threw Harry a £10 bill. Harry squealed excitedly before limping off of the bed to give the man a kiss on the cheek.

Harry walked home since the motel he was in was only a few blocks away, he knew the receptionist all too well by now with the amount of time he went there. Sometimes Harry would offer to buy them some food for working the late shift also for having to clean up the bed Harry just fucked in when he gets an extra tip.

Not tonight though, he was hungry for Louis and he was going to get Louis alone with the amount of cash he made tonight.

"Hey there, sexy." One of Louis' men, as he likes to call it, winked at Harry as he took off his coat by the front door.

Harry was known as the biggest flirt in the house and he would always flirt with Louis' men, though this time he was too excited to see Louis, he didn't even greet the man back.

"I said hey there, sexy." The man squeezed one of Harry's ass cheeks that was on full display with his short skirt rode up as he bent down to take off his shoes.

Harry gasped at that, these men always touch Harry and the other girls in the house as they please, Harry knew it bothers everyone else most of the times, though Harry likes being the slut and the center of attention.

Just not right now when he's about to get on his knees for his daddy.

"Zayn!" Harry turned to face the man who was now smirking. "Can't you see I'm in a hurry?!"

Zayn raised an eyebrow. "To do what exactly? You haven't even give me your income."

Harry scoffed. "To see Louis! Duh! And I'll give him my income myself."

"Genius, Louis isn't home." He reaches to pinch Harry's cherubic red cheeks. Harry swatted his hands away. "Do you see his car anywhere? Cause I don't- he left like an hour ago, got a new bitch to pick up."

Harry frowned at that, he didn't even notice Louis' car wasn't there.

Zayn rolled his hand out. "Now come on, how much did you made?"

Harry sighed but pulled out all the money from his purse anyway. Harry knows Louis always told his men to take the money from them when he's not around but Harry really wanted to show Louis how much he made tonight!

"Holy shit, how many cocks did you had inside you tonight?!" Zayn chuckled as he counted the money then rolled it up, slipping it inside his pocket. "What a good little girl you are."

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