I Got a Heart and I Got A Soul

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By beautifulmagick

"Lou, please don't go..." Harry whimpered, clinging hard to Louis' arm.

"You know I have to." Louis reminded him gently.

"You don't have to. Please stay with me." Harry's voice took on a hysterical edge and Louis sighed.

Management was forcing Louis to go out with Eleanor for the day. It was an uncomfortable arrangement for them—both he and Eleanor were Doms and it was difficult for them to get along at times. Unfortunately, her true nature had to be kept a secret but she was paid well to act submissive in public. It was impossible for Louis to pretend to date an actual sub. It would make Harry even more distraught than he already was.

Louis's relationship with Harry had begun on accident that fateful day they bumped into each other in the bathroom. Harry had immediately submitted to Louis, dropping to his knees and baring his neck while Louis stood in stunned silence. Louis had managed to restrain himself and not claim the underage boy but Harry had followed him anyway. It seemed they were meant to be though, when they were put together in a group. Luckily, the other three members of their group were switches—people who were both dominant and submissive—and there was little competition between them. Louis was free to keep Harry.

"Harry." Louis warned, his voice a low growl.

Harry whined again, ignoring Louis's unspoken command. Louis did not have time for this. He looked around the room—taking in the way Liam and Niall were avoiding his eyes—before motioning Zayn over. Instantly Zayn was on his feet and standing imposingly over Harry's crumpled form. With gentle but firm hands he pulled Harry off the couch and pressed him down on his knees. Harry sniffled but kept his head bowed submissively.

Zayn was an accident too. Harry was too much to handle sometimes and Zayn was more in tune with his dominant side than Liam and Niall. Louis relied on him to help wrangle their youngest band mate and over the years, he'd just fallen into their relationship. Zayn was the perfect switch. He could dominate Harry but he submitted beautifully to Louis. He was the balance in their relationship.

"I have to go." Louis stood up and stepped around Harry. He paid the younger man no attention as he walked towards the door. Even a glance would feel like praise to Harry and he didn't deserve it right now. He paused long enough to press a grateful kiss to Zayn's shoulder and then he was gone.

Harry whined again. His muscles were tensed and Zayn knew that he was fighting the urge to go after his Dom. Harry struggled with Louis' fake relationship with Eleanor and it made him very upset.

"Let's go to the back, Harry." Zayn suggested softly.

Harry didn't move. Zayn sighed and pulled himself up to his full height. He could feel his patience wearing thin as he allowed his dominant instincts build inside of him. The atmosphere of the bus shifted dramatically—both Liam and Niall pressed closer together and avoided looking at Zayn—and Harry shivered violently.

"Either you will get up and walk to the back like a good boy or I will make you crawl." Zayn promised darkly.

Harry scrambled to his feet and hurried to the back of the bus. Zayn watched him go and took a deep breath. He was going to have to punish Harry and he knew he had to get control of his emotions before he started.

"We'll be up here if you need us, Zayn." Liam said nervously.

Zayn smiled at his friends and let their calmer energy center him.


Zayn walked quietly to the back of the bus and pushed open the door. Harry was kneeling in the middle of the floor with his hands clasped tightly in front of him. The younger man was sniffling and his face was wet with tears. Zayn felt horrible for his boyfriend. As a switch, he also felt the extreme compulsion to submit and be claimed. Harry belonged to Louis and knowing he was out holding hands and acting coupley with someone else made him crazy.

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