Staying Home Tonight

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By Legna


Niall stays home and fucks his boyfriend.

There was a plan of going out to the club downtown with a few friends and Niall would have been a "happy camper" to get drunk, dance to the latest music and to flirt with guys here and there. Instead, it's pouring rain; the thunderstorm is as heavy as can be and is truly damping the plan. So tonight, Niall have to stay in with his boyfriend of three years, Harry. Harry's more reserved and quiet, with the desire to read novels of mature taste and to please his lover with finding recipes that would satisfy Niall's stomach. He's like the stay-at-home mom except they don't have kids. Niall goes out and work and bring home the bacon so they can be content living under a roof and with food on the table, being this cute couple.

Niall slowly consumes his corona, watching stand up comedy on the television monitor while Harry reads Rapture on his tablet. Niall's rarely paying attention to the mixed guy telling jokes, complaining about politics. The rain caught his attention and he glances at the large and wide window, almost covering the entire wall, and see continuous droplets pattering downward and swiftly flooding the ground level outside of their studio apartment. His drooping blue eyes gazes at the rain for god knows how long. Somewhere along the line of the next ten minutes, Niall takes note of his cock growing harder and longer. It may be the alcohol or the mesmerizing white noise and view of the rain or the soft brushes of Harry's elbow and leg every few minutes because he never sit still.

"" Niall didn't have the energy; actually he was lazy to dispose of the empty beer bottle so he drops it on the floor. He can feel Harry giving him a dirty look. Harry likes to keep the apartment clean and the sight of something, anything at all, being on the floor instead of being in the garbage or recycling bin makes him crazy.

"Take that bottle out." Harry commanded, returning to read the Bioshock inspired novel, and ducks lower under the covers in bed.

Niall uses the rest of his energy then, pushing himself out of bed and takes the bottle in the kitchen part of the studio apartment. He mutters "fucking woman" out of irritation and because Harry's OCD is literally cock blocking. Harry heard the remark but doesn't get offended. He admits that he's the woman of the relationship and he doesn't mind.

"Thank you. I love you." Niall turns back around to see a smirk on Harry's face, the tablet still in his huge hands and the comforter covering Harry up like a burrito.

Niall responds anyway. "I love you too. But I wanna show ya how much I love ya." He pulls off the comforter from the bed, putting them on the floor. Even though the floor is clean, Harry freaks out.

"Are you crazy?! Pick that up!" He places his tablet on the nightstand to his side of the bed, proceeding to fix Niall's mess. It can't be done because Niall is blocking him, standing and challenging against Harry's height. How tall Harry is doesn't mean shit to Niall. Harry could be seven feet tall; and Niall won't be scared to take control and to fuck the guy well, making him his bitch.

"Niall...move and let me-"

Harry's sentence got cut off by Niall pushing him back on the bed. "Shut the fuck up and let me love you." Harry finally understood, lying on his back with his long legs bent up and spreading. Niall can see Harry's hole puckering, teasing by being so small. No matter how many times Niall fuck Harry, that hole stays pretty, small and tight. It's the great dream and utter joy of most gay men who tops.

Niall opens the nightstand drawer, taking out a large pink bottle, Harry's lube. They both have their own. Harry like the pink one and what it does, giving off the tingling sensation with a bit of warming. Niall like to feel it too but Niall enjoys his lube, the blue bottle which give off the cooling sensation. The mix of heat from Harry's hole and the cooling can get Niall off almost quickly and intensely.

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