boom, boom, don't you wanna go

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It doesn't take much to convince Harry to participate in Lambda Sig's annual ceremony for graduating seniors. She's hooked up with a few of the brothers already anyway, as lackluster as they were. She has to have her legs and bare bottom half on display for the rest of the brothers in the senior class to see, but she's always kind of liked being played with and definitely likes being on display. She's graduating in a few weeks anyway. What's the worst that can happen?

She doesn't expect contestant number fifteen to blow her mind in the first round. He doesn't let up.

Harry liked sex. She wasn't going to deny it. She was in college. She was almost done with college. There was no reason for her not to indulge as long as she was safe.

This was the closest she had gotten to not being safe, but the president insisted that everyone had to get tested if they wanted to participate. Harry had just done an STD screening with campus health and hadn't been with anyone since then so she just provided those results.

She and the other four girls all shared a look before they lowered themselves into position.

The Lambda Sig senior graduating class was celebrating the end of finals and they played this game every year with the brothers that were graduating.

The game was simple. They invited five girls in their circle that were either friends with the brothers or were in their connected sorority. The girls were behind a makeshift plywood board designed for just their hips to fit through, and there was a table on the other side with cushions on it for them to lean on. Harry was quite comfortable even though her bare ass and pussy were on display for the whole room of senior brothers. She wasn't ashamed to admit that that turned her on more.

There were fifteen brothers participating but the president presided over the game and the other twenty were invited to watch. Those were mostly the guys with girlfriends, the ones that were gay, or the ones delaying graduation for some reason.

Each brother would get his chance with each of the five girls during the first round—fingering. They would all get three minutes with each girl before they would switch, like speed dating. After each brother took his turn the girls would score them out of ten on their score sheets. At the end of the round, the top five would move onto the next round. The first round always knocked out the duds, Harry had been told.

The second round was pussy eating. That would knock it down to the top three, and then the last round was fucking.

Harry's pussy was already tingling as she lifted her cotton jersey sundress and bunched it around her waist pulling it as far up as she could. This was just the way to end her own senior year. Where was she going to find shit like this in the real world? She was probably never going to see these people again, she might as well enjoy it.

The girls were all in position and the president brought the room to order.

"Okay, okay. I know you're all excited. This first round is fingering. No clit. Only fingers inside. Everyone got sanitized?"

Harry laughed at the incongruity of how responsible the boys were being with this stupid game.

"The girls will rank you out of ten when you're done with each one. If someone correctly guesses who you are, you're out. If someone comes, you automatically get to move onto the next round. No talking, no moaning from the guys, no cheating whatsoever. Remember no clit this round. Save it for the next one."

They had given the girls one last look at the boys before they had to get into position but there were so many of them and they couldn't physically stand still so it was impossible to tell them apart. She had seen a few she had hooked up with before, a few she had even let fuck her. This ought to be interesting because she didn't remember any of them making her come on their own. That could have just been whiskey-dick but predictably people had already started drinking tonight so she didn't hold out much hope. That must have been what the president meant when he said it weeded out the duds.

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