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By Othersideofthedark

"I'm just going to close my eyes, do it fast!"

Louis chuckled as Harry put his hands over his eyes, his hair in a neat little braid at the back of his head. He has to cut his hair to get to be in a movie, and he's not taking it well.

"Okay, okay," Louis says, the hairdresser smiling as she passed him her scissors. Harry had wanted him to do the first cut, because Harry is sentimental.

Louis takes the soft hair in his hand before snipping the first part of the braid. He's done in three snips of the scissors.

"Shh, shh, shh, baby it's okay," Louis is saying as Harry's noises start up. He's so upset, and Louis can tell. Harry loves his hair, it's part of him, and Louis knows it.

"Baby, baby, look," Louis says as he passes the scissors back to the lady, and walks around to Harry's front with his detached braid. Louis can hear Harry sniffling from behind his hands, his shoulders shaking. Louis gently pulls on one of his hands, Harry's green eyes poking out from behind his fingers.

"No," is all Harry says as he sees his hair in Louis' hand, a sob escaping his mouth. He catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror next, his curls a wild, uncut mess on his head, so so short. Harry shakes his head no as more tears leak out of his eyes, Louis quickly wrapping his arms around Harry's shoulders.

"It's okay, I know, I know," Louis is telling Harry, "breathe, just calm down love, you're okay."

Louis moves a hand down to Harry's chest, getting the younger boy to breathe in and out with the pressure on his chest. It helps Harry, he becomes aware of his breathing to steady it, coming out of the panic and insecurity of loosing his hair. Thankfully the hairdresser is a saint and stands quietly as Louis calms Harry down.

"Better?" Louis asks, "It'll look better once she's done, promise."

Harry nods his head and looks at Louis, then down to the braid again, reaching out and taking it from Louis.

Louis nods to the hairdresser, who comes over and starts in on Harry's hair, while Harry is entranced by the braid in his hands. Louis stays in front of him, right there when Harry reaches out for his hand.

Harry can see the strands of curls falling onto the front of his cape, sliding down to the floor. His little security blanket, disappearing from the top of his head.

"Okay, tops done, just gotta shave the sides okay? This is a bit noisy but doesn't hurt," the hairdresser warns him before she's turning on her clippers, running them up the nape of Harry's neck. It gives Harry a shiver, the noise making him pout and squeeze Louis' hand.

"Don't worry, it looks good," Louis tells him, watching the hairdresser work. She goes around the sides of his head, his hair continuing to fall. She cleans up around his ears and neck with a smaller pair of clippers before spritzing the top of his head and running some product through it, Harry's curls immediately tightening up.

"Alright, love, all done!"

Harry doesn't want to look up. He's squeezing Louis' hand so tight he can feel Louis' bones inside. Louis just keeps his thumb rubbing on Harry's hand though, patiently waiting for Harry. Harry knows Louis' got a beanie in his back pocket, and Harry wishes he could just put it on and not look at himself.

Harry lets his eyes go up to the mirror though, bottom lip trembling at the sight.

"It looks good babe," Louis says, looking up at the mirror as well.

"Can I have the beanie?" Is all that Harry says, staring at himself in the mirror as Louis grabs the beanie from his pocket.

Harry detaches his hand from Louis', and puts the braid down in his lap, pulling the beanie over his head with both hands. He feels so insecure about himself, just wanting to curl up and hide away until his hair is back.

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