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By ItIsWhatItIs9194

Harry looked down at his feet that were on the footrest of his wheelchair. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and tried with all his might to wiggle his toes. He couldn't feel below his hips, but when his eyes were closed, he liked to imagine his toes were moving, wiggling about. The thought brought a smile to his face, but it always disappeared when he opened his eyes.

"What are you up to, baby?" Louis' voice startled Harry out of his stupor, making him jump in his chair.

"Nothing," the sub said sheepishly, a faint blush tinting his cheeks.

Louis moved from the doorway, making his way through their bedroom to where Harry was sitting at the side of their bed. He knelt down in front of the boy and smiled sweetly, tucking a stray curl behind Harry's ear. "Were you trying to wiggle your toes again?" he asked softly, expression turning more serious now.

Harry shrugged, twiddling his fingers. "I always try, but nothing ever happens," he said with a sigh. "Don't know why I even bother doing it anymore," he muttered under his breath, but Louis heard.

"Hey now," Louis said, placing a finger under Harry's chin and directing the sub's gaze towards him, "don't be like that. You don't need working toes to be happy."

Harry just gave Louis an uneasy smile, still struggling to believe his Dom's words despite how often he hears them.

"Do you want me to show you how perfect you are?" the Dom asked slowly, his blue eyes never leaving Harry's green ones. "You're my perfect, good boy."

The sub's eyes fluttered closed as he took in a sharp breath. He and Louis had made love before, and he had been able to enjoy it. It just wasn't always something he wanted to do every time Louis suggested it because he had no feeling from his hips down. If he was in a particularly submissive mood, however, he greatly enjoyed letting Louis fuck him. It felt good to please his Dom — it satisfied him.

"Yes," Harry breathed, allowing Louis to graze his lips with his own. "Yes, Sir."

Louis smiled at Harry's eagerness, pleased his boy was so willing to please him at the moment. They didn't have sex as often as most couples did because of Harry's disability, so the Dom made sure to treasure when they were able to make love. It didn't bother him that Harry wasn't usually in the mood for sex — he understood his feelings well. But it was wonderful when they could be so intimately close to each other.

"My sweet boy," Louis praised, pulling back from the kiss. He stroked Harry's hair and looked into his eyes, noticing how the sub's breathing increased.

The sub smiled bashfully, a little breathless from the kiss. "Um, I've gotta cath first," he told his Dom awkwardly, avoiding eye contact. Louis didn't understand it, but no matter how long they'd been together, Harry still felt uncomfortable when they discussed the more personal aspects of his medical situation. "Don't wanna piss all over you." He blushed.

"Language," Louis reminded softly. "Harry, there's no need to be embarrassed. Go do your thing, I'll be right here. I understand."

Harry nodded, giving the blue-eyed man a tight smile, before he wheeled off to the bathroom.

It had never happened before, but there was always still the risk of Harry pissing during sex. Louis knew the sub was anxious it would happen, which was why he always cathed before they ever did anything just to be on the safe side. The Dom knew Harry would be absolutely humiliated if he lost control of his bodily functions during sex — it would be horrible for him.

Louis waited patiently on the bed for Harry, thinking through what was about to happen. It did kind of suck that they could never have sex spontaneously because there was so much prep for Harry that had to be done beforehand, but the Dom and sub didn't dwell on it too much. In fact, Louis felt extremely lucky that Harry enjoyed having sex from time to time. He knew of many paralyzed people — Doms and subs alike — who greatly disliked having sex because they couldn't feel it.

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