Another year, another world

737 5 1

By christeh251298

Harry wakes up to an arousing sensation.

A bony, nimble finger tracing up and down his navel.

A warm, pointy tongue circling his left nipple.

A sharp, structured nose brushing the inside of his right thigh.

A hard, prominent boner pressing against his right hipbone.


"Shush, baby. Let us take care of you."

Harry relaxes at Louis' gentle words, opening his eyes to see all of his four boys situated around him on the bed.

He could feel himself hardening immediately at the sight of Niall suckling at his nipple, Liam nosing and sniffing between his legs, Zayn admiring at his crotch, and Louis leaning in to nip at his lower jaw.

He has also just noticed that he was bound to the bed by his wrists and ankles, laying spread-eagled on the bed, butt naked.

In his post-morning haze, he knew that he wouldn't last long with the oversensitivity from last night's events that left him in his nude state, but he also didn't have to the heart to stop what was happening right now.

"L-Lou, I'm going to come soon if this continues," Harry croaked out in a weak voice.

Louis kissed up to Harry's cheek, and whispered in his ear.

"We have a whole morning planned for you, my darling."

Blackness engulfed Harry's vision, making him panic for a second before feeling the silkiness of the blindfold against his skin.

Harry whined high in his throat, bucking his hips slightly upward before being held down by someone's hands.

"Since you were so honest to tell us you might come too soon, thank God I came prepared with..." Louis trailed off as a piece of cold metal came in contact with Harry's already hard member.

"Shit!" Harry whined.

As the cock ring was fastened around Harry's dick, two mouths immediately started to suck at Harry's balls, leaving him a whimpering and writhing mess already.

"Oh! Fuck! Sh-Shit!" Harry screamed, fingers and toes curling in as he felt pinches on both his nipples.

"So pretty for us, Harry. Such a pretty boy," Louis murmured close to his ear, nibbling and pulling at his earlobe.

Harry could feel himself on the edge of coming, but he knew that he couldn't with the cock ring so firm around him.

Suddenly, he felt a cold, wet finger circling and tickling his rim, causing him to buck and shudder. He could feel the simultaneous movements of the finger and one of the mouths on his balls, moving at the same pace and same direction.

"Please," Harry choked, begging for any penetration like the little cock slut he claims himself to be.

Louis tuts.

"Naughty Harry. Always wanting more than what he gets."

All contact left his body, and Harry was literally sobbing at the feeling of loss.

"Oh, please, please, please," Harry begs, wanting any of his lovers' cock to fill him up.

"He just doesn't learn, does he?" Louis sighs, "I can think of a way to shut you up."

The tip of a dick brushes against Harry's lips, making him pucker automatically in response.

"So eager for it," Louis hums.

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