Sharing is caring

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By fencelessx

"Lou! C'min, mate," Edward says as he welcomes his best friend into his and Harry's apartment.

Harry was due home from school in around half an hour, it's his last day of his final year in high school, and the 18-year-old boy couldn't wait for it to be over.

For his 18th birthday present, his parents finally let him move in with his older brother, Edward. He'd been nagging at them for over a year and was over the moon when they finally said yes.

Harry's always admired his older brother. Edward being 6 years older, was always there for Harry; he was there for his first day of school, his first time buying feminine clothes, his first high school party.

And, well, Edward also taught Harry a lot.

He taught Harry how to find the average, in math. He taught Harry how to spell the word 'discrimination'. He taught Harry how to kiss and give blowjobs. How to create hickeys and the best spots to do so. And how to ride a cock like a fucking expert.

Basically, Harry and Edward are close. Closer than most brothers would ever be.

And now, they were about to spend a weekend with Louis over. Evidently meaning, no sex.

"Hey, Ed. Nice place you got here," Louis said looking around the open living room.

"Thanks, it's not much, but it's perfect for me and Harry," Edward said smiling. It really was perfect for him and Harry.

"Ah, Harry, I'm excited to meet him. By the way you talk about him, I'm expecting some kind of angel." Louis joked.

Edward chuckles, "You'll see soon, he'll be home in a bit. We've set up my room for you, and I'll sleep with Harry," Ed says as he leads Louis down the hall. They stop outside Harry's bedroom door, and Edward looks to Louis, "Okay, this is Harry's room – not that you'll really be in here. Pre-warning; Harry's very feminine, and his bedroom displays just how much." He opens the door and Louis's mouth drops.

Although the walls are white, you can't see much of them due to the various pastel pink items he has covering them. Posters, shelves, décor, and the words 'fuck discrimination' in large glittery letters right above his bed.

Speaking of his bed; it's queen-sized and covered in stuffed animals. He has silk white bedsheets, and light pink duvet covers. A fluffy white blanket sits at the foot with a small stuffed bear guarding it.

"Wow," Louis says as he takes in the room.

"I know," Edward smirks, "Pretty impressive, huh?"


Edward waits as Louis admires the room, before closing the door and walking a few steps down the hall before entering Edward's room.

"Okay, this is my room, – where you'll be sleeping this weekend – me and Harry will be just through the wall if you need us. I'll leave you to settle in," Ed says, and Louis nods in thanks before watching Edward exit the room.

Just as Edward makes it back to the living room, the front door opens, and he knows it's Harry.

Sure enough, Harry walks through the door with his pink backpack on and a smile on his face. He's wearing a high-waisted plaid skirt that reaches just below his ass cheeks and a plain white loose crop top. He looks beautiful.

He drops his bag on the ground and slips off his shoes before running to Ed and jumping into his arms. He wraps his legs around Edward's waist and immediately attacks his lips with his own.

Ed startles but catches Harry and kisses back for a little before pulling away, "Hey, baby, what's up? Why are you so eager right now?" Ed questions as he sits down on the couch- Harry straddling his lap.

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