kiss full of color, makes me wonder where you've always been

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By Louislovesharry

"James, please go get your pyjamas on and brush your teeth," Harry pleaded for the third time that night. It was already nine thirty, and he wanted to rip his hair out. His four-year-old son jutted his chin out and stomped his little foot defiantly.

"No Daddy, no sleep! I'm not tired!"

Harry felt hot tears prick his eyes as he turned around to take a deep breath, not wanting to take his anger out on his son, no matter how frustrated he was. The wailing baby in his arms had finally calmed down now that she was drinking from her Daddy, and Harry looked down to find Hadley sucking away steadily, soft blue eyes staring up at him as she clutched his chest. Harry sighed, feeling a bit calmer just looking at this precious angel and knowing he had stopped her fierce cries.

Gently, he thumbed away a stray tear on her ruddy cheeks that were red from crying and stroked her fine brown hair. She was nearing two, and there wasn't much curl to her hair yet, but Harry sensed that as she got older little ringlets would form, similar to his own hair.

Making his way into the kitchen, he sat down defeatedly. James was absolutely refusing to listen tonight, and Harry knew the last thing he should be doing was give in and let him stay up – he would be cranky tomorrow and his sleep schedule would be royally screwed up. However, Harry was almost five months pregnant and feeling all kinds of overwhelmed today, and he didn't know if he had the energy and patience to deal with James' tantrum at the moment.

Sighing, he ran his hand through his long curls, letting his eyes close for a moment. He was exhausted. Hadley whined, and Harry could sense that she was about to start crying again.

"You're hungry tonight, huh peanut?" Harry whispered, gently resituating her so she could drink from his other breast. Immediately, she latched on to his nipple, resuming her greedy suckling as she stared up at her Daddy. Harry felt overcome with love as he watched his baby eat. She was so beautiful, and Harry loved that he could do this with all of his kids. Harry had developed breasts when he was pregnant with Rowan, their oldest, much to Louis' delight. When he started lactating, he cried of happiness. There was nothing more he wanted than to be able to feed his children and bond with them in such an intimate, special way. He loved doing it, found nothing wrong with wanting to nourish and feed his children with his body. While Rowan was six and never asked to breastfeed anymore, James occasionally would mouth at Harry's chest, suckling when he was upset or overwhelmed. Harry couldn't wait for their new baby to be born so he could nourish them as well.

Harry stroked Hadley's cheek, watching her soft sucking and the way her eyes were now fluttering shut, long dark eyelashes fanning across her cheeks. Harry kissed her head, inhaling the sweet scent of baby shampoo. He had his baby on his chest, and another baby in his tummy. All I've ever wanted, he thought.

The telly was still playing in the living room, meaning James was still refusing to go to bed. Harry breathed through his nose, willing himself to relax and not get stressed. If he didn't get tired soon enough, Louis would take care of the situation when he got home. Fuck, Louis. He had missed his husband all day, yearning for his touch and the feeling of his lips on his. He whined softly when his mind went to this morning's events, Louis waking him up with his warm tongue licking over Harry's hole, but having to stop before either of them could come due to Hadley's insistent crying. Louis cursed and apologized, promising to make it up to Harry later.

The problem was that Harry was so fucking horny, always was when he was knocked up, but his hormones had been through the roof lately. Louis was fucking him twice, sometimes three times a day, and he still felt horny all the time. Going through the day with blue balls was torture, and Harry swore he could still feel Louis' tongue and the way it fucked into him so skillfully and perfectly. He was so frustrated that he locked himself in their room during naptime and watched one of their sex tapes - the one where Harry rode Louis into the mattress while he was seven months pregnant with James - as he fucked himself with the largest dildo he owned. It felt fucking amazing, but it wasn't Louis, and he wanted his husband to wreck him more than anything.

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