Baby Dear

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By mpregharryqueen

Harry snored beside him, shifting in his sleep and popping his neck involuntarily in the process. Louis cringed at the sound, as he had never been able to get used to his omega's joint popping. He had an hour before his alarm would ring and he wanted to scream. Sleep hadn't come to him much last night due to the amount of stress and anxiety he felt pressing against his chest. Not only was today his first day under a new boss, but he was hosting a dinner for said boss and colleagues tonight. Louis had been working at the marketing team for the Northeastern College Athletic Association Conference for fifteen years. It was the type of job that people moved around in. Louis had only stayed because he was happy here and he had fallen in love with someone who refused to move. He had met Harry two years after moving to Concord. He was working on a new social media ad for the conference and thus he had to work alongside another company that dealt more heavily with social media campaigns.

Harry, who worked for the company, was the smartest person Louis had ever met. The omega had walked into the meeting with a strong confidence and Louis had nearly buckled at the smell of his scent. Harry, in turn, raised an eyebrow at Louis as though he dared him to mention his omega status in a professional setting. He had had to beg to take Harry out and Harry only accepted after their partnership was complete. Once Louis had finally won him over and Harry started allowing Louis to know him intimately Louis fell fast in love and hard. Harry was a rare beauty in this world and Louis treasured him the only way he had never cared for anything or anyone before.

Now, as he lied in a pool of his own sweat he questioned why he had thought this was a good idea at all. Not only was he putting stress on himself but also Harry had been planning for this get together for a month after they had learned about the replacement.

And the fact that Harry was the one who had planned the party was another source of anxiety for Louis. Louis had been feeling uncertain about their "roles" in this relationship ever since Harry had gotten pregnant with Essie two years ago. It was a guilt that not only subconsciously ate away at him but always made him feel like he was a domineering alpha. When they realized they were pregnant, Harry had promptly decided to quit his job so he could stay at home with Essie. Louis had begged him not to do it. He didn't want Harry to ever resent him for giving up on a job he loved while Louis got to "have it all." Louis had always had progressive beliefs about omegas being able to work and have children and be equals to their alphas. And that was part of the reason Harry and he had gotten along so well. But then Harry revealed that he had always wanted to be a stay-at-home parent and that he couldn't imagine a life where he wasn't available for his children twenty-four hours a day. The worst part was that Harry was amazing at it. He cooked for Louis, made his lunches everyday, and took care of Essie like a rockstar. He was perfect.

Whenever Harry and Essie came to Louis's office to bring him lunch or visit him during a break he wondered what the omegas in the office thought of him, the alpha who made his omega stay home and care for their child. It just didn't feel progressive. He had never told this to Harry, only ever asked if he was happy being at home to which Harry always replied that he was beyond happy. But was he really?

"Mm...good morning," Harry croaked as he stretched his arms above his head.

Louis sat up and turned his alarm off before it could blare loudly. Harry rubbed his back as he leaned over to put his watch on his wrist. When he turned back around to face Harry, the omega had spread his legs suggestively.

"We have time," Harry grinned as Louis groaned.

Louis frowned, "I would love to but I'm too nervous about today. I think I'm going to go into work early."

"Take your stress out on me," Harry spread his legs even further apart and how the hell did he manage to marry the one person who was ready for sex only two minutes after waking up?

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