i need your lips on my skin

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By trishapocalypse

It took Liam all of sixty seconds to buy it.

The thing was, he didn't really think about what it meant. He just—He saw it and thought Harry would like it; he thought it was pretty and thought it would look even prettier on Harry—whatever. And Liam just did things like that, really, buying stupid little things to make his best mates smile. But as he presented the collar to Harry that evening when they were in his hotel room, he wasn't expecting to see Harry's eyes darken, just a little bit, and he liked it.

Harry swallowed heavily, fingers trailing over the cool, black leather and across the silver snaps at the end. He opened his mouth to say something, but he hesitated.

"Is it—Do you like it?"

Harry nodded, a few of his curls slipping from his almost-quiff and falling into his eyes. "It's—" he swallowed again. "Yes."

"I just—I thought you'd like it? It doesn't have to, y'know, mean anything. I just..." Liam trailed off, blushing a little bit as he rubbed the back of his neck. And he couldn't believe something so simple, something so minimal was already working him up, his heart was already racing just thinking about Harry and the cool leather across his pale neck.

Harry bit his lip before tugging his shirt off, tossing it behind his back and not caring where it landed. He reached up slowly and held the straps around his neck before he turned, presenting his back to Liam and dropping his head. "Please?"

Liam stepped closer in an instant and carefully plucked the leather strap from Harry's fingers. He snapped the collar tight around his throat, tugging slightly to make sure Harry had enough room to breathe and was comfortable; when Harry let out a soft, almost inaudible gasp as his fingers trailed underneath the leather, Liam stilled. The sound went straight to his cock, and he repeated the action again, desperately wanting to hear the same needy noise leave Harry's mouth.

Harry dug his nails into his palms as Liam slipped his fingers beneath the collar, tightening it just enough for Harry to squirm. "Li—"

"Is that—Do you like that?"

"Yes," Harry whispered breathlessly, nodding again.

Liam smoothed his hands across Harry's back, across his shoulder blades and down his sides until he could wrap his arms around his waist. Harry melted back against Liam's chest, head falling back against his shoulder. Liam pressed his lips against the side of his neck, against the cool leather; he could feel Harry's pulse jump and that simple action made him smile. He pulled away slowly, turning Harry around in his arms, and giving him an once-over.

Harry sucked his lower lip into his mouth, already bitten red, his eyes a little hooded as he looked down at his feet shyly. He shuffled a little bit, bare feet digging into the carpet, and he glanced up at Liam from underneath his thick eyelashes. "Li..."

"You look—" Liam cut himself off and he reached out, trailing the back of his knuckles across Harry's throat, "—so pretty, Haz."

Harry flushed and he reached out for Liam, but he stopped himself. "Can I..."

"Can you what?"

"I just—" Harry hesitated again before he slowly sunk to his knees in front of Liam, staring up at him with wide eyes. He paused, as if he was waiting for Liam to give him the go-ahead, and he licked his lips when Liam nodded. Harry reached forward almost immediately, quickly unzipping Liam's trousers and pulling them down his thighs. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he leaned in, pressing his lips against the bulge in Liam's pants.

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