niall and liam own cats

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Niall and Liam own hybrid cats. They decide to breed them.

It was another lads night full of pizza and beer and video games and movies in just the same way that the weekends of the last few months had been. It was Niall's turn to host after they'd figured they should swap back and forth when it became a regular thing. They'd both started new jobs working for the same company on the same day and had stuck themselves together to survive the transition. They were opposites, but somehow it just worked.

They also bonded over their love of animals, hybrids specifically. They both had young hybrids they'd bought around the same time when they finally had places of their own and were ready for the responsibility. Growing up in a time when hybrids were a controversial scientific breakthrough, they had both been hooked by the idea and fascinated by the animal human mixtures. The hybrids were simple in nature, able to speak basic human words but lacked the attention span for full conversations or reason. Instincts were very unpredictable and the intentions of the breeders were questionable until they had finally made them docile enough to be domestic animals. When they started to become common pets, they'd both wanted one as soon as they were able to.

Niall's hybrid was the runt of his litter named Louis, but his small size didn't take anything away from his personality or his beauty. He was spliced with Bengal with tall ears and an exotic fur pattern that swirled in chocolate and caramels. His long tail was always a tell of his mood and was prissy and picky but extremely affectionate and an attention hog. Louis was an even match for Niall when it came to personality, both of them picking at each other constantly.

Liam's hybrid was a fancy show breed named Harry (which was short for a name Liam couldn't remember). He'd rescued her from his twelve year old cousin who had begged to enter the hybrid show world and then lost interest after the first show. Liam hadn't liked seeing such a beautiful animal be neglected and his aunt nearly begged him to take her off her hands. It had been one of the most exciting days of Liam's life finally bringing home his own hybrid. A majestic creamy white persian, Liam fought the long white hairs covering every surface of his apartment but loved her too much to care. She was the gentlest creature Liam could have imagined and great company while he was home.

Both hybrids loved attention and loved when there were more than one set of hands to pet and snuggle with him. Lads night was the perfect opportunity for that and Niall's hybrid Louis had already planted himself between them on the couch. Stretching out, he laid his head in Niall's lap and his feet towards Liam, rolling onto his back and pouting for a belly rub.

Liam could never resist and reached out to rub the soft fur of his tummy.

"You ever think about breeding him since you haven't got him fixed?" Liam asked as Louis started to purr.

"I've thought about it a bit. I've caught him humping pillows and stuff a lot lately. Just in the last few months, really. Like being touched there too, don't cha?" Niall scratched under Louis' chin while he stared up with big eyes. "I started reading about it to see if it was normal for him to act like that and it said that it was healthy and a good idea to get them used to the feeling before throwing them into a breeding situation cold turkey."

"What does that mean?" Liam asked, wrinkling his nose in confusion.

"Means getting them hard and stuff, especially if they're already showing interest. I guess a lot of times they get confused the first time if you try to just throw them into it and then it doesn't go well," Niall shrugged, "I figure Lou's a dude and he's my buddy, I'm not going to fix him because I wouldn't want my own balls cut off so I might as well find him some action. Pet him there and see what I mean. I think he's ready for it."

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