Quarantine madness

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Liam is a dog and fucks harry

Months. It had been months and Harry had hardly left the house. A few trips to the pediatricians office and his weekly trip to the grocery store hardly measured up to the active social life Harry had before the pandemic. He didn't even have the office to escape to for some normal human interaction and with Louis scheduled for long hours, he didn't have much time with his alpha either.

Ivy had hardly been home from the hospital for a few weeks when the country went on lockdown, Harry's maternity leave stretching far beyond the three months he had planned for when business hadn't yet picked up enough to bring him back. Under normal circumstances, Harry would have been thrilled to have extra time at home with his newborn. Being a stay at home parent was the dream, but only with the freedom to leave the house at least occasionally. He couldn't even go to the park down the street with all the paths roped off with caution tape.

It was worse now that Ivy had fallen into a regular napping schedule and was pretty good about sleeping through the night. That left him with large chunks of his day with nothing to do but mindlessly watch daytime tv or shop online for things he didn't need. He found that most of his hobbies took place outside of the house and nothing sounded interesting enough to pick up now. At least not with a new baby who would soon be toddling around and requiring his attention.

Since he was home all the time, the house also stayed in good shape as well. There was only so much cleaning he could do when he kept everything in order.

Ivy had just gone down for her morning nap without nursing as long as she normally did which left him uneven and leaking down his stomach after placing her in her crib. He made his way back to the couch to strap on his breast pump. At least he'd be doing something semi productive while he zoned out to whatever was on the tv screen.

His little station was set up next to his seat, the little basket of parts ready to be used after he'd sterilized them the night before. It was a little annoying to fit all the pieces together after each use, but he was getting the hang of doing it right the first time without much thought.

He leaned over to grab the special bra that had fallen to the floor when he gasped out at the sudden brush of wet warmth against his nipple.

Liam, the family's golden retriever, was often at his side while he pumped or fed Ivy, but he hadn't thought anything of it. Liam was a very tactile dog, always flopping down against their feet or cuddling up to them in some way. So Harry had just reached around him when he planted himself right in front of Harry with his open mouthed smile.

But Liam had flicked his tongue out and lapped at Harry's nipple as it crossed its path and continued as Harry froze in shock.

It had to be the scent of milk even if he didn't remember Liam showing any interest in it before. The dog was certainly interested now, eagerly rooting his nose around as he followed the drying trails down Harry's bare stomach with his textured tongue. It felt strangely good as it tickled and made goosebumps rise on his arms, straightening up on instinct to give Liam more room to lick him clean.

Liam's cold wet nose went searching for more as if Harry had hidden a treat somewhere on his chest, licking any traces that seeped from his nipples as soon as they appeared.

It felt good -- too good -- and Harry found himself scooting himself closer to the edge of the couch so Liam had better access. He was already leaking with the stimulation, but Harry still cupped the base of his breast to squeeze out even more for Liam to lap up.

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