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By habitxgolden91

Louis is tired.

He's on his way home from the studio and it's been a long day. He woke up at eight, took a shower, kissed Harry goodbye, and left for the studio. He usually wasn't needed in the studio so early, but he was supposed to be in LA. He isn't. He's at their London apartment with Harry. So, he had to be up and out early so no one could catch a glance of him. Louis was working on his second album and they've been stuck on the same song all day. It's good, but something is missing that little thing that makes the song amazing.

He hasn't seen Harry since this morning. They've had a few texts throughout the day but other than that, nothing. So, to say he's excited to come home is an understatement. It's always amazing coming home to Harry. Harry cooking with music on full volume in the kitchen, Harry dancing around the apartment in just his boxers, Harry concentrated on something he's working on, Harry cleaning. Everything. Just harry in general. Sure, it isn't as pleasant if they're in a fight or if Harry is in a bad mood, but it's still nice just knowing that he gets to come home to the beautiful man that is Harry Styles.

Louis is still tired. But now he's tired and a little excited. As he's walking up to the front door the only thing, he can think of is how he wants to eat some food and curl up with Harry for the rest of the night, and maybe get laid. He feels it hit him as he inserts the key in the lock, feel that little excitement of getting to see Harry after a long and tiring day. Except when he steps inside there's no blaring music from the kitchen with Harry cooking, there's no smell of delicious food, no goofy Harry dancing around in just boxers and socks, no light on, no sign of life. And no Harry Styles...

"Haz! I'm home!" Louis calls out, nothing. No sound from Harry. If they weren't in the middle of a pandemic Louis would think Harry wasn't home. But he knows his boyfriend. And he can see Harry's big shoes next to his smaller ones by the door. He is somewhere in the apartment.

He tries calling Harry's names a few more times, but quickly gives up and starts looking around the apartment for his boyfriend. The apartment isn't that big they aren't there that much. They're only there when they aren't supposed to be in England. They usually stay at their London house. Because that's their home.

He starts looking in the kitchen. No harry. He moves to the living room he can see a half-full glass of water on the table and a blanket on the couch, but no Harry. He walks by the bathroom, but he can't see any light coming out from under the door, so he walks past it and goes for the bedroom.

It's dark in their bedroom. He sees the bed untouched, the bathroom door wide open, and the light off. He looks over the room in one go, trying to see Harry. The flat isn't very big, so he has to be in here there's no other place left for him to be. Sure enough in the corner of the room by the dresser next to the bed Harry is sitting. Louis starts slowly walking towards his boyfriend.

"Baby" Louis says. No answer. He keeps walking the short distance, he can see Harry fully now. Dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants and one of Louis hoodies knees to his chest and hands folded together around them. He looks like a sad kitten. Louis stops right in front of him and crouches down so they're on eye level. Now, getting a good look at his boyfriend's face, he sees it. Red puffy eyes, tear-stained cheeks, hair a mess, quite frankly Harry looks like a mess. Like he's been crying for hours. Louis can feel his heart break. Hating the thought of harry sitting in the dark apartment crying, alone.

"Hey hazza what's wrong? What happened?" And that must be some kind of breaking point because before Louis knows it he has a lap full of crying boyfriend. He tries asking over and over what's wrong but quickly figures out that it's best to just hold him and kiss him. So, they sit there on the floor, Harry sobbing into Louis' neck and shoulder, holding him tight. Like he was afraid Louis would disappear. And Louis holds him, holds him so tight. Kisses him and, whispering sweet comforting words and 'I love yous' in his ear.

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