Halloween Princess

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By Noelle1224

Part 4 of Teddy Bear Princess

Harry is dozing off on the sofa, a large photo album in his lap, with Stormageddon curled next to him, when he hears the front door open and close faintly. He hears little footsteps coming up speedily and he looks over to see Lily walking into the room with Elizabeth and Louis following behind her. And she throws her school bag on the floor with a huff. Harry can see that something is bothering her with how she put down her things and from her deep frown. Then she comes running over to Harry and tucks herself into his side and hugs him tight.

Harry naturally wraps his daughter up in his arms and looks over to Louis confused and he just shrugs his shoulders in response, indicating that he has no idea what's wrong either. He gives Lily a squeeze and asks. "What's the matter, Lily Pad?"

"Mean boy at school today said you can't be my Mommy because you're a boy." She tells him, looking up with tear-filled eyes and a quivering lip. Harry and Louis both knew that this day would come eventually, but that didn't make it any less difficult to hear.

"Oh, I'm sorry, darling." Harry tells her softly, pulling her onto his lap and hugging her again. Louis comes over to sit next to Harry and Lily and Elizabeth crawls into his lap. Then Louis leans in to give Harry a quick peck on the lips. Harry blows Elizabeth a kiss, smiling brightly, and she does it back, then he turns his attention back to his unhappy little one. "What did you tell the mean boy?"

Lily takes a deep breath. "I told him he was wrong; that it didn't matter that you were a boy. Cause you're my Mommy because you say you are. And it's what Daddy says too." She sniffles and wipes at her eyes.

"Good job, Lily Pad." Harry tells her. "You weren't mean about it and it really doesn't matter. It's just a word, yeah? It's not that important what I want to be called or that I'm a boy and you call me Mommy." He wipes a tear that she missed from her cheek and hugs her tighter.

Then he makes sure he talks to both of them as he reaches down to pat Elizabeth on the knee, making sure she's listening too. "I'll always tell you guys that you can be whatever you want and whatever you feel. It's what's on the inside that matters, right?" He says smiling down at her and looking at Elizabeth too. He wants his girls to know that it's always going to be okay for either of them to be who they are, no matter what. "Be whoever you want to be."

"Right, Mommy!" Elizabeth chimes in agreeing, having sat and listened even though she didn't feel as bothered about what the boy at school said as her sister did. Harry and Louis smile, and Louis places a kiss in her dark curls.

"Right." Lily agrees. "Not that important." She repeats, mostly to herself.

"Hey." Harry says, leaning down, brushing her dark brown curls from her face. "You know what might make you feel a little better?" He asks. "How about I make us all Teddy Toast for dinner?" That gets both the girls excited and they hop off Harry and Louis' laps and run to the kitchen.

With the girls gone Louis gives Harry a proper greeting kiss and Harry pulls him closer, throwing an arm over his shoulder. "Hey, princess." Louis says when they pull apart, and Harry digs his fingers into Louis' shoulder minutely at his pet name.

Harry hums, smiling. "Hey. How was work?"

"It was good. Got a lot more done today than expected, mixing is almost finished." Louis tells him. "How about you?"

"Ha. Me? Not so much. I couldn't focus." Harry says truthfully, shrugging his shoulders. "And I had a migraine."

"Again?" Louis asks worried. "You're having them a lot more frequently now." He adds, tucking a curl behind Harry's ear.

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