In (Sub) Sickness and in Health

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By greeneyes_blondequiffs

Harry awoke to a throbbing pain in his temples, waves of nausea rolling around in his belly and a hot stickiness between his legs. He shifted uncomfortably, squeezing his eyes closed in an attempt to stop the sensation that the room was spinning and his bed was tilting underneath him.

He let out a strangled whimper as he tangled his fingers in the sheets, damp with his sweat, and tried to think of a reason – besides from the obvious, horrifying one – why he felt so awful. He could just be tired, after all he and the boys had just done 1D day and performing for eight hours was draining. Flying to the UK and then back to America in less than twenty-four hours was a killer too since he never really slept well on planes. So he was probably just exhausted and a little run down. Nothing to worry about. Now that a diagnosis was sorted he really had to get up and deal with the aftermath of his wet dream drying against his thighs.

Chewing his bottom lip between his teeth, he kicked the blankets off his legs and tried to drag himself into a sitting position.

Urgh. The world seemed to go fuzzy around the edges, his vision fading in and out and a horrible tinny ringing noise drowned out all other sounds. His body was shaking so hard he wasn't sure he could stand. Fighting back tears he struggled onto his knees, kneeling on the mattress with his head bowed, breathing deeply in and out, the air bursting from his lips in shuddery gasps.

There was no mistaking what this was. Sub Sickness. His first Sub Sickness.

He had almost convinced himself that this wasn't going to happen to him. That somehow, because he really didn't want it, his submissive urges would just lie dormant forever so he wouldn't have to deal with them. Sicknesses were something that other Subs endured but he could will them away. Given that most Subs had their first Sickness between the ages of fifteen and eighteen, when his nineteenth birthday came and went without even a stirring he felt unbelievably hopeful.

But here he was, around two months from turning twenty, and feeling absolutely wretched.

'What?' he practically moaned when he heard a knock on his hotel room door. God, he sounded almost as bad as he felt.

'Are you up yet? I want you dressed and ready to go in two hours!' Paul replied, thankfully not asking to be let into the room. Harry was fairly certain he looked disgusting judging by the sweat coating his body and the flushed heat in his face.

Shit. They had the AMAs today.

'I'm up.' That wasn't exactly a lie. 'I'll be ready in time.' Of course he would be. He wanted to please. He had to be good.

I can do this, he tried to assure himself as he crawled to the bathroom, feeling far too dizzy to walk. He quickly turned on the taps, not waiting for the water to become warm before stepping under the spray. He was hard, harder than he'd ever been in his life. Surely some sort of release would ease the churning need currently overwhelming his every thought. Harry
slid his hand down his chest, pausing to toy with his nipples, hissing at how sensitive they were. He let out a needy whine as he cupped himself, feeling the weight of his cock in his palm. He thrust his hips into his hand, squeezing his balls as he jerked himself off.

His orgasm came quickly as he braced himself against the shower wall but it wasn't the wonderful relief he was hoping for. He wanted so much more than his own hand clumsily fondling himself. Whimpering in frustration Harry fell to his knees, wrapping his arms around his middle in a pitiful attempt to ease the sensation that he was being ripped apart from the inside out. No one had ever told him that it would be this bad. His mother had mentioned things like 'feeling weak and unwell' and 'there might be pain' but that had definitely not prepared him for the reality of the Sickness. He wondered if it was because he was older. All the hormones and submissive urges had more time to build up. The horrifying reality that he was going to need to do something about this, that it wasn't just going to go away was overwhelming.

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