Cause She Had a Bad Day

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By littlepinkbow


Harry is the only female member of One Direction and almost all of the boys treat her like she is their little sister. Almost all, anyway.

Or, the one where Harry wanted to go home from the club with someone and it ended up being Niall.

Harry pushed the glass she had been drinking from away from her on the bar and reached up to push her fingers through her hair, the curls immediately bouncing back and falling into her hair and that wasn't even the most annoying part of her night.

"You're in that band aren't you? One Direction?" The man opposite of her had asked and really, if Harry had to admit to it, he was gorgeous. He had short dark hair and dark mysterious eyes and she couldn't help lick over her plump red lips almost obscenely as he spoke.

"I am, I'm Harry." She said, carefully holding her hand out to the man and wiggling her fingers just slightly as he shook it. "And you are?"

"Harry! There you are!" Liam, who was easily three sheets (maybe four if that was even a thing) to the wind, shouted as he threw his arm around the girl, pulling her in for a cuddle and settling his glare on the guy across from her. "And you are?" He asked, his voice honing in on protective as he glared at the man.

"Uh, I was leaving," The man said, stepping back from the two and shooting Harry an apologetic glance, but really, he wasn't in the mood for a fight in the middle of the bar tonight. He turned quickly and left.

Harry's eyes narrowed on Liam and she flattened both of her hands against Liam's chest, shoving him backwards and glaring at him. "I hate you, Liam! Get off of me!" Her voice was one octave above normal, signaling her annoyance, upset or probably both. "I am honestly never going to find someone to hook up with with you idiots around." Her glare was firm but she turned quickly, her curls bouncing slightly and falling down over her shoulders as she reached for the shot glass on the bar, downing it and then nudging Liam a bit further out of the way so that she could get away from him.

It wasn't that she didn't love being the only girl in the band, she did. She really did because all the boys treated her like royalty but sometimes it was too much. Like when they decided to swoop in any time she was talking to a guy and wreck her entire evening. Harry hadn't spent all afternoon shaving her legs and picking out the perfect skirt to wear for nothing. Not knowing where to go, she headed for the red exit sign and walked out of the bar, immediately regretting it. Her short black skirt, that her legs looked brilliant it, really didn't do anything for keeping her warm and her sleeveless black and white striped button down that was cut perfectly to draw attention to her cleavage wasn't much help either. Pulling on the silk scarf she had thrown on at the last minute, she twisted it around her neck and crossed her arms over her chest, rubbing at her biceps gently.

Harry heard the door open behind her, the overwhelming sound of the inside of the club, that was silenced again when the door was shut and she didn't turn around - because she knew it was probably a stroppy Liam, with big puppy dog eyes, apologising for ruining her night.

"Harry," The voice behind her spoke, wrapping his coat around her shoulders and when he spoke again, there was an obvious frown in his voice, "You're going to get poorly out here like this. Are you okay? Liam told me."

"Niall don't." Harry said, turning on her heel (her beautiful red stilettos that left her just taller than Niall) and if she had tears filling her eyes it really wasn't anyone's business. "I'm going to just get my bag and go home." She said, blinking slowly enough to keep any tears from falling out. She tried to shrug Niall's coat off, but he kept his hand firmly on her shoulder.

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