Sounds Fun

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It's a Friday night and Harry and Louis are cuddled on the couch with Louis looking at stuff on his laptop and Harry looking at the television. Some sort of crappy reality show was on. One of Louis' hands is settled into Harry's hair, absentmindedly scratching his scalp.

As the man clicks around, a link pops up for something called Folsom street fair. It shows a nice enough picture so he clicks on it. But then as he delves further, he discovers that it's a fair for sex stuff. It doesn't really peak his interest; but just as he is about to close out of the window, he spots something actually interesting. As he delves further, he decides to tell Harry.

"Hey baby? I found something interesting online." Louis starts off.

"Mmm. What is it?" Harry questions, sitting up to look into his boyfriends eyes that held a glint of some sort of positive emotion in them.

"So you know how you wanted to try something new in bed?" He questions and Harry leans into his chest with his head turned up to Louis.

"Yeah. Why?"

"I saw something. And, keep an open mind; it was called animal play. And well there's a smaller group called kitten play. And I was thinking that maybe we should try it? Y'know cause you like cats and stuff?" Louis asks unsure. He doesn't want to do anything that Harry doesn't want to.

"So what happens?" Harry questions curiously.

"Read this." Louis passes his sliver mac book pro to Harry with the two tabs he found on the subject open.

Harry reads intently for a few minutes and passes the laptop back to the older man who gently sets it on the floor.

"Okay." He says simply.

"You sure?"

"Yeah Lou. Saw some fun stuff." He smiles and pecks the blue eyed boy on the lips.

"That's great." Louis says as he settles into the couch.

"So when will we do this? Tonight?" Harry asks him.

"You want to start tonight? It is only seven. And we don't have anything with the band until Tuesday." Louis notes.

"Yeah. If you know where to go then why not?" Harry shrugs.

"Yeah there's that sex shop we've gone to once or twice. You want me to?" Louis sits up on the couch.

"Yeah." Harry smiles reassuringly.

Louis swings his legs off the edge of the couch and picks up a jacket, beanie, and his shoes.

"I'll be back in no more than an hour!" He calls out as the door shuts.

Harry waits around the flat for a while until Louis comes back with; of course, a shiny plastic black bag.

"What did you get?" Harry asks.

"Look for yourself." Louis smiles and hands him the bag.

Harry pulls out the items one by one. Louis ended up getting him a black tail that has a butt plug just big enough for it to stay in place, a black leather collar with a gold circle thing on it, and black kitten ears with a satiny pink lining.

"Okay. So what about hands?" Harry looks up at his boyfriend through his lashes.

"They have paws but I couldn't find any. But they also use this special tape to tape their fingers so that they're together. Do you want to do that? Cause you don't have to if you don't."

Harry says "Why not? Makes the whole experience more kitten-y, right?"

Harry goes to the bathroom to change as Louis gets the really pliant, soft tape used for the hands. When he comes out, Harry has his stuff on, is shirtless and pantsless; he has his boxers on, and looking down shyly at the floor.

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