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By vondrostes

"I'm gonna miss this when I'm gone."

It was their second to last night together in LA, and Harry had just gotten her brains fucked out by Xander over the course of the last hour and a half. It was only now, after lying in bed for a good ten minutes in a daze, that she had finally recovered the ability to speak again, her voice cutting through the pleasant silence and stilling the movement of Xander's fingers through her hair.

"You could just stay here for the holidays," Xander reminded her, a bit bitterly, even though he was trying to keep from souring the afterglow. "Or come to Pennsylvania instead."

Harry smiled sweetly up at him and cupped Xander's jaw in her hand, rasping the hint of stubble there against her painted fingers with a sigh. "I can't exactly base the fate of my entire family's Christmas plans on whether or not I get to have sex during December," she pointed out.

"You could," Xander insisted, just to be contrary. He didn't really expect Harry to shift around his entire schedule just because she was horny—but he could still tease her about it.

"I could," Harry agreed. "But I'm not going to. Which is why it's up to you to make our last night together worth my while."

Xander scratched at Harry's scalp, contemplating. "We could do that thing we talked about," he suggested quietly. "The—you know." They'd discussed it a handful of times since Harry had first brought it up after a few too many tequilas, and the idea had always been present at the back of Xander's brain despite him never really entertaining it as a possibility. Until now, that is.

Harry's eyes widened as she sat up, her palms braced against Xander's sternum, nails digging in softly at the skin underneath in an unconsciously intimate gesture. "Really?" she said in surprise. "You think they'd go for it?"

Xander shrugged a bit uneasily. He didn't want to reveal exactly how much he talked about Harry in bed amongst their mutual friends when Harry wasn't there—even though he knew that would probably just get Harry even more excited, the little exhibitionist. "Adam and David might take some convincing," he admitted, "but I know Ben wants to."

Harry snorted softly. She'd seen her fair share of Xander's jealousy over her flirting with Ben. Harmless, as she'd put it, though Xander had never really agreed. "If you're okay with it," Harry said, "then, yes, I'd like that."

"And if I wasn't okay with it?"

Harry shrugged. "We could find some other way to spend our last night together," she replied flippantly, though it was obvious by the nervous energy radiating off of her now that Xander had brought it up that this was something she was desperately hoping Xander would be on board with.

Xander was surprised when he gave it another few seconds of thought before realizing he was more okay with the prospect of seeing their friends' hands (and cocks) all over Harry than he would have guessed of himself. "I'll make the arrangements for it," he promised.

Harry's face broke into a wide smile. "You're the best," she said through a relieved laugh before leaning down to connect their mouths.

Two evenings later, Xander had everything ready. The nerves had worn off a few hours ago, when he realized fully that this was really happening, that he was really going to give Harry the best going-away gift she could ever hope to receive.

Harry was already in bed when they walked in. Xander's pulse had started to race again as soon as they'd opened the door, but Harry didn't bat an eyelash as they made their way over to her, looking calm as could be as she dog-eared the page of her book before setting it safely out of the way on the nightstand.

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