Dammed if you dont

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By vondrostes

Part 2 of Texas fic

Texas got the call at three AM on a Wednesday. He flew out the following Thursday from TXL, a long international flight that he drugged himself into sleeping through at least ten hours of, wanting to be fresh and not jet-lagged all to hell when he finally landed in Suva.

From there Texas took another plane, a short charter flight to a smaller island nearby. Texas was beyond relieved to be done with traveling when he finally met Harry at his hotel, only to be shuttled into another car with the singer as soon as he stepped out of his cab. They drove across the island in near silence while still in the presence of their driver. Texas stared serenely out the window as what little civilization there had been quickly faded away.

"Where are we going?" Texas asked quietly as he watched the palm trees and tropical greenery on his left zoom by.

"Rented a place on a private beach," Harry replied at a similar volume.

Texas slowly turned and crooked an eyebrow. Renting a beach house was kind of a big gesture. Especially since they still didn't know each other all that well.

So far, they'd had one repeat of their first session, with hardly any deviation at all the second time. Harry hadn't been in town longer than a few hours and hadn't had time for more than a quick spanking and an even quicker fuck. Not that Texas hadn't thoroughly enjoyed both.

After that had been a smattering of sessions over Skype, which had gone fine and seemed to get Harry off, but lacked the spark of an in-person scene. Texas had been craving this, actually, craving Harry—though it was embarrassing to admit even just to himself. He was eager to find out what exactly Harry was looking for this time.

Texas hadn't brought much with him on the plane. Harry had assured him they would have anything he needed once he got there, which meant Harry's expectations were still a complete mystery. They both decided they liked feeling out a scene together rather than having Texas structure it beforehand.

Besides, Harry's kinks had been pretty straightforward in all their previous sessions. Texas was confident he had a handle on him at this point. He really wasn't worried about anything Harry might throw at him during negotiation.

Until they actually sat down at the patio table facing the beach and Harry pulled out 'The List', that is.

"Um," Texas said, frowning. "What the hell is this?"

Harry, to his credit, didn't seem fazed by the question. "It's everything I'd be willing to try," he said, before amending, "Well, that we could feasibly do this weekend."

Texas's eyebrows shot up of their own accord. There was more? He shook his head an examined the list again. "This is still a lot to cover," he replied hesitantly.

"I'm not expecting you to incorporate everything," Harry explained as he leaned back in his chair, and with the ocean behind him, he looked like something out of a photograph. "It's just what I'm open to."

"Well, you're kinda open to a lot," Texas said, missing the innuendo until a barking laugh emerged from Harry's throat. "Yeah, ha-ha. But really, what are your priorities for this weekend? Just so I have a baseline here."

Harry shrugged unhelpfully. His sunglasses (hot pink) were pushed up into his hair, which was nearly down to his shoulders now in bouncy ringlets. Texas wanted to tug on them. Later.

"I just want to do what you want me to do," Harry replied, which wasn't much more information than if he'd said nothing at all. "I don't want to come, though."

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