House Training

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By vondrostes


If Ben looked back on the first six months that Harry had been living in his attic, he might have been able to piece together the breadcrumbs that had led them here: to Harry regularly sleeping in his and Meri's marital bed—but only when Harry was good.

If Ben looked back on the first six months that Harry had been living in his attic, he might have been able to piece together the breadcrumbs that had led them here: to Harry regularly sleeping in his and Meri's marital bed—but only when Harry was good.

Harry was astonishingly obedient for a nineteen-year-old, to the point where Ben began to feel a bit exasperated by his failed efforts to trip Harry up just so he and Meri would have an excuse to punish the boy on occasion.

And Harry enjoyed his punishments every bit as much as he enjoyed his rewards, but that didn't mean that his naughty side often won out. Ben knew already that Harry thrived on being praised; but he wanted to see Harry get off on being humiliated, too.

But it wasn't until the week leading up to Harry's birthday that Ben finally got the opportunity to realise that fantasy.

"You don't have any meetings or flights for the next two weeks," Meri said breezily as she stirred the pot of beef stew simmering on the stove. Harry was upstairs, writing or something, but he'd be down for dinner once it was done. "Neither does Harry," she added, as though she'd been reading Ben's thoughts.

Ben lifted an eyebrow and set the book he'd been reading back down onto their tiny little kitchen table. "You want to go on holiday?" he assumed.

Meri shook her head as she turned around to face him. "I just thought we could all make the most of our time at home before Harry's birthday," she replied with a pointed look.

Ben nodded slowly. "Any ideas, then?"

"I have a few."

The first of Meri's ideas necessitated the overnighting of a maid outfit, which fit Harry so poorly that they decided to throw it out after just one morning in which Meri alternated between having Harry scrub the floors on his hands and knees and ordering him to lick her out whenever she got bored of watching. And as much as Ben appreciated Meri's judgement, he'd found something lacking in the sight of Harry in black and white frills. Too artificial, he decided

The next thing they tried suited all three of them a lot more.

"Caught him wanking off in bed," Meri announced as she walked into their bedroom two days later while Ben was still in bed. There was something clutched in her right hand, but it wasn't until she stepped through the doorway that Ben realised it was a leash, and at the end of it: Harry, with a collar around his throat and his hands behind his back as he shuffled forward on his knees looking shamefully apologetic.

It only took Ben a few seconds to get into the right headspace for Meri's games. "Disobeying already?" Ben replied in an even tone, taking care to keep any trace of excitement out of his voice. He'd been eagerly waiting for Harry to slip up ever since he'd suggested that Harry forego coming unless either Meri or Ben himself specifically permitted it. But as always, Harry had been good. Too good. Until now. "Thought you promised not to be naughty."

"I wasn't going to make myself come," Harry gasped out just as Meri yanked the leash hard, almost sending him tumbling face-first onto the floor.

"He needs to be punished," Meri insisted, heedless of Harry's pleading. "What do you think?"

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